Gatsby Theme Chaton, a Gatsby theme for creating a blog.
To install it, run in the root of your site:
npm install --save gatsby-theme-chaton
- Customed Navigator
- Page Categories
- Page Tags
- Google Analytics
- Feed rss.xml
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
pathPrefix: '/',
siteMetadata: {
title: `Yuying Wu's Blog`,
author: `Yuying Wu`,
description: `Personal blog, recording codes, life, growth.`,
copyright: `Powered by Gatsby and gatsby-theme-chaton.`,
siteUrl: ``,
aboutUrl: `/about`,
avatar: '',
social: [{
name: 'twitter',
url: '',
}, {
name: 'github',
url: '',
nav: [{
title: 'Home',
link: '/',
}, {
title: 'Technology',
link: '/categories/tech/',
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-theme-chaton`,
options: {
- basePath defaults to `/`
- contentPath defaults to `content/posts`
- assetPath defaults to `content/assets`
- mdx defaults to `true`
googleAnalytics: 'your-ga-track-id',