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Z4OLLIEZ4 edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

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A Lunchbox is a gadget that can be used to automatically feed the player.



Lunchboxes can be crafted using the following items:



Pressing use whilst holding a Lunchbox will open its GUI. A single slot is available for inserting food. Whilst the player is hungry, a Lunchbox will automatically feed the food to them. All foods will give only 3 Saturation, rather than their defaults.

Calorific Values

Each valid food has its own calorific value that relates to its generic Minecraft counterpart. 100 calories are equal to half of a hunger bar.

Food Calories
Apple 400
Baked Potato 500
Beetroot 100
Beetroot Soup 600
Bread 500
Carrot 300
Chorus Fruit 400
Cooked Chicken 600
Cooked Mutton 600
Cooked Cod 500
Cooked Porkchop 800
Cooked Rabbit 500
Cooked Salmon 600
Cookie 600
Dried Kelp 100
Golden Carrot 600
Melon Slice 200
Potato 100
Pumpkin Pie 800
Raw Beef 300
Raw Chicken 200
Raw Cod 300
Raw Mutton 300
Raw Porkchop 300
Raw Rabbit 300
Raw Salmon 300
Rotten Flesh 400
Steak 800
Baguette 1500
Tinned-Beef 1600
Spam 1600
Chicken Nugget 150
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