- Html
- Css
- Bootstrap
- Java Script
- Firebase
- React Js
- Node Js
- Express Js
- MongoDb
- Tailwind Css
- Ant Design
- Material Ui
- Chakra Ui
- Stripe (Payment Integration).
Zain Khan |
S/no: | Date: | Day: | Timing: | Topic: | Material: (Github) | Trainer |
01: | 5th-August-2024 | Monday | 6:00 To 7:30 Pm. | Introuduction To Web Development, What is Mern Stack, What is Html, Install Vs Code, Create Group, Creating Html File | Slides. | Zain Khan. |
02 | 7th-August-2024 | Wednesday | 6:00 To 8:00 Pm. | Abdullah was not at home. | Zain Khan. | |
03 | 9th-August-2024 | Friday | 7:00 To 9:00 Pm. | Abdullah was not at home. | Zain Khan. | |
04 | 10th-August-2024 | Saturday | 6:00 To 8:00 Pm. | Heading's , paragraph, bold, italic, br, hr, sup, sub, blockquote, quotation, abbreviation, insert, delete tags etc | Code. | Zain Khan. |
S/no: | Date: | Day: | Timing: | Topic: | Material: (Github) | Trainer |
05: | 12th-August-2024 | Monday | 7:00 To 8:30 Pm. | Ol, Ul, Li, Dl, Dt, DD, A tags etc. | Code. | Zain Khan. |