This is a simple python code what is used to crawl tweet through twitter API.
To use it, first you need to apply for the access for yourself from After applying, you will get your 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret', 'access_token', and 'access_token_secret'. Please remember to replace the part 'xxx' with your own information.
consumer_key = 'xxx'
consumer_secret = 'xxx'
access_token = 'xxx'
access_token_secret = 'xxx'
Then you can try to run it.
This code contains several functions to get information from twitter.
home_tweet(user): # get tweets showing in homepage of user
get_all_friends(user, number): #get all information of user's friends
get_status(user, number): #same as get_all_friends
get_tweet(user, number): #get published tweet by user( only published in 7 days)
search_tweet(user, query, number): #search tweet replies to user in 7 days that contains words in query