This repository provides a general architecture for NLU and NLG in dialog modeling. The main idea is to design 1) a general data structure for easier access to different corpora and 2) general APIs for experimenting with different models and corpora with minimum efforts.
Section |
Paper Implementation |
Run a task by commands |
Components |
How to add new things |
What are supported now |
The implementation of arxiv paper Multi-Referenced Training for Dialogue Response Generation, Zhao and Kawahara, 2020, kindly check the task of multi-referenced response evaluation.
For the implementation of ACL 2020 paper Designing Precise and Robust Dialogue Response Evaluators, Zhao et al., 2020, kindly check the task of response evaluation.
For the NON-ORGINAL implementation of CSL 2019 journal paper Joint dialog act segmentation and recognition in human conversations using attention to dialog context, Zhao and Kawahara, 2019, kindly check the task of joint DA segmentation and recognition.
(at directory dialog_processing/src/)
# 1. download raw data and preprocess
python -m corpora.{corpus_name}.build_{task_name}_dataset
# 2. extract pretrained word embeddings (optional if you are not gonna use pretrained embeddings)
# 2.1 download pretrained word embeddings to be used (e.g. Glove, word2vec, ...)
# 2.2 extract needed word embeddings from raw file
python -m corpora.{corpus_name}.get_pretrained_embedding -t {task_name} -e {pretrained_embedding_type} -p {path_to_pretrained_embedding} -o {path_to_output_json_file}
# 3. train a model
python -m tasks.{task_name}.train --model {model_name} --corpus {corpus_name} --tokenizer {tokenizer_name} --enable_log True --save_model True [--{arg} {value}]*
# 4. evaluate a trained model
python -m tasks.{task_name}.eval --model {model_name} --corpus {corpus_name} --tokenizer {tokenizer_name} --model_path {path_to_the_trained_model} [--{arg} {value}]*
The scripts also accept other arguments (see the code for details).
(related code: corpora/{corpus_name}/build_{task_name}
Raw dialog corpora may have very different data structures, so we convert raw data into a general dataset JSON file.
A dataset JSON file can be seen as a dictionary that stores data for training, development, and test.
dataset_json = {
"train": [a list of dialog sessions for training],
"dev": [a list of dialog sessions for validation],
"test": [a list of dialog sessions for test]
A dialog session is also a dictionary, in which "dialog_meta"
contains meta information of this session. The meta information available depends on the corpus used and what is needed in your task and model. For example in Cornell Movie Corpus, we can store "character1ID"
and "character2ID"
in "dialog_meta"
dialog_session = {
"utterances": [a list of utterances],
"dialog_meta": {
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
An utterance is a dictionary with two basic information "floor"
and "text"
. There is also a dictionary of "utterance_meta"
that stores information such as "dialog_act"
and "characterID"
utterance = {
"floor": "A" or "B" (currently I only focus on two-party dialogs),
"text": a str,
"utterance_meta": {
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
A by-product of this process is a word count file, which is a vocabulary built from the training data along with word counts. The vocabulary can be used for 1) constructing a whitespace-based tokenizer and 2) extracting needed word embeddings from pretrained word embeddings. It may also be needed in 3) the calculation of some evaluation metrics that requires word frequency information.
(related code: tokenization/{tokenizer_name}
A tokenizer bridges 1) the gap between human language (sentence) and model inputs (word ids) and 2) the gap between model outputs (word ids) and human language (sentence). Therefore, it should provide following basic functions.
- convert a sentence string into a list of tokens
- convert a list tokens into a list of word ids
- convert a list word ids into a list tokens
- convert a list of tokens into a sentence string
To ensure the consistency in these processes and reverse processes, a tokenizer internally maintains a word2id
dictionary and an id2word
dictionary. These dictionaries should also correspond to the word embedding lookup-table of a model, so tokenizer
is also taken as a parameter when initializing a model.
(related code: tasks/{task_name}/
Usually we train/evaluate models using mini batches. A data source reads in dataset JSON and produces mini batches of model inputs.
(related code: model/{task_name}/{model_name}.py
A model usually should provide three main APIs, i.e. train_step()
, evaluate_step()
, and test_step()
. The APIs perform a training/dev/test step on a mini batch respectively.
(related code: corpora/{corpus_name}/
Though various pretrained word embeddings (e.g. Glove, word2vec, etc.) are available, they have different formats and may contain words that are not included in our vocabulary. Therefore, we use a script to convert them into a JSON file and only keep those words that appear in our vocabulary. (The vocabulary refers to the word count file generated in the process of "raw data -> dataset JSON".)
To add a new corpus named {corpus_name}
for a task {task_name}
, save your configurations (such as filepaths) in corpora/{corpus_name}/
, then write a data processing script and save as corpora/{corpus_name}/build_{task_name}
. The script is supposed to download/process raw corpus data and output a standardized dataset json file (see Standardized dataset JSON file).
First, modify/add data-related code as same as above. Notice that the same dataset json file can be used for different tasks (e.g. response generation and dialog act recognition) as long as their information can be stored in the same data structure.
Then, you need to write scripts to train/evaluate/etc models on this task as well as a task-specific data source. These scripts should be placed in the folder tasks/{task_name}
Models directly used by a certain task are placed in model/{task_name}
. When writing a new model, you should provide APIs to be used in scripts mentioned above (such as train_step()
, evaluate_step()
, etc.). Using module blocks from model/modules/
will make the procedure easier.
A new tokenizer should be added in tokenization/
. Be sure to provide the same APIs (those functions with name convert_*
) as other tokenizers since they are used in task scripts and data sources.
- DailyDialog (
) - PersonaChat (
) - CornellMovie (
) - Switchboard Dialog Act (SwDA,
- language modeling (
) - dialog response generation (
) - multi-referenced dialog response generation (
) - dialog response evaluation (
) - dialog act recognition (
) - joint dialog act segmentation and recognition (
- language modeling (in
)- RNNLM (
- dialog response generation (in
) - multi-referenced dialog response generation (in
)- HRED (
) - VHRED (
) - VHRED with Gaussian mixture model prior (
) - VHRED with linear Gaussian model prior (
, Zhao 2020, arxiv) - Mechanism-aware HRED (
, Zhou 2017, AAAI) - HRED_CVaR (
, Zhang 2018, aclweb) - VHRED_multi (
, Qiu 2019, aclweb) - HRED with knwoledge distillation (
) - GPT2 for response generation (
, Wolf 2019, arxiv)
- HRED (
- dialog response evaluation (in
) - dialog act recognition (in
) - joint dialog act segmentation and recognition (in
(in tokenization/
- Whitespace-based tokenizer (
) - BERT tokenizer (
) - GPT2 tokenizer (
) - Roberta tokenizer (
(in utils/
Sentence comparison (class SentenceMetrics
- BLEU-n
- multi-ref BLEU-n
- embedding-based similarity
- Distinct-[1,2]
Classification (class ClassificationMetrics
- F1 scores
- precision scores
- recall scores
Dialog act segmentation and recognition (class DAMetrics
- Strict segmentation error rate
- Strict joint error rate
- Macro F1
- Micro F1
(in utils/
Significance test (class SignificanceTestMetrics
- McNemar's test
Inter-annotator agreement (class InterAnnotatorAgreementMetrics
- Fleiss' Kappa
- Krippendorff's alpha
Correlation (class CorrelationMetrics
- Pearson's rho
- Spearman's rho
Outlier Detection (class OutlierDetector
- MAD method (Leys 2013, ScienceDirect)
Apache 2.0