ED3D-Galaxy-Map is a 3D galactic map (web app) for the game Elite: Dangerous. Work with JSon file to embed stelar systems data.
- JSON file to fill the map.
- Manage click event to display information related to a system (if detailed infos, need to be in the JSON file).
- Display a global view of the galaxy that reproduces the ingame galaxy - Generated from a volumetric particle cloud from an ingame screenshot (a kind of heightmap).
- HUD with customizable categories to filter the map. [Optional]
- CSS+HTML HUD to fit to any style.
- Systems colorizations using color attribute that can be set on each category and soon use color from ingame stellar type (if stellar type defined in JSon file for each system). [Optional]
- Can show exploration routes.
Require Three.js & JQuery
container: The container ID. (Required)
jsonPath: The JSon containing systems data. (Required)
jsonContainer: Optionaly set an Id of container with JSon systems data. (Can be used on small project, JSon file stay better).
basePath: Custom base path
withHudPanel: Enable the HUD (panel to filter and navigate throughout systems). Default: false
hudMultipleSelect: Enable showing multiple filters at same time Default: true
showGalaxyInfos: Show Milky Way info on start Default: false
systemColor: Set custom color(Hex) for system's sprite Default: #eeeeee
effectScaleSystem: Set an array with min & max value for system scale effect (sprite size) on zoom in/out Default: [10,800]
startAnim: Use initial animation (Zoom into the galaxy) Default: true
playerPos: [x,y,z] Player position, ex.:[150,269,28]
(used for initial camera target position) Default: [0,0,0]
cameraPos: [x,y,z] Initial camera position, ex.:[0,45000,-45000]
(used for initial camera position)
Ed3d.init({options}): Initialize the scene
Ed3d.rebuild(): Destroy & rebuild the scene (Hard way to refresh the scene to load new JSon data)
<!-- My container -->
<div id="edmap"></div>
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<!-- Three.js -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r73/three.min.js"></script>
<!-- Launch ED3Dmap -->
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js/ed3dmap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
container : 'edmap',
jsonPath : "./map/system.json"
"name": "Sol",
"coords": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"name": "Solati",
"coords": {
"x": 66.53125,
"y": 29.1875,
"z": 34.6875
"systems": [
"name": "Wolf 906",
"coords": {
"x": "-27",
"y": "-25",
"z": "29"
"name": "Checkpoint 1",
"coords": {
"x": "-6644",
"y": "-21",
"z": "11738"
"name": "Checkpoint 2",
"coords": {
"x": "-10534",
"y": "-21",
"z": "16384"
"name": "Checkpoint 3",
"coords": {
"x": "-4969",
"y": "-21",
"z": "22262"
"name": "Checkpoint 4",
"coords": {
"x": "3553",
"y": "-21",
"z": "8732"
"name": "Checkpoint 5",
"coords": {
"x": "6297",
"y": "-21",
"z": "14626"
"name": "Checkpoint 6",
"coords": {
"x": "18975",
"y": "-21",
"z": "25676"
"name": "Sagittarius A*",
"coords": {
"x": "25",
"y": "-21",
"z": "25900"
"routes": [
"title":"1st test route",
"points": [
{"s":"Wolf 906","label":"My home"},
{"s":"Checkpoint 1"},
{"s":"Checkpoint 2","label":"Great discovery here"},
{"s":"Checkpoint 3"},
{"s":"Sagittarius A*","label":"Center of the galaxy"}
"title":"2nd test route",
"points": [
{"s":"Checkpoint 4"},
{"s":"Checkpoint 5"},
{"s":"Checkpoint 6"}