This is the 6th project in my data analysis nanodegree and it focuses on prforming exploratory data analysis ( or EDA for short ) in R .
The dataset :
The MONICA (Multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) Project was established in the early 1980s
in many Centres around the world to monitor trends in cardiovascular diseases, and to relate these to risk factor changes in the population over a ten year period. It was set up to explain the diverse trends in cardiovascular disease mortality which were observed from the 1970s onwards. There were total of 32 MONICA Collaborating Centres in 21 countries. The total population age 25-64 years monitored was ten million men and women.
The ten year data collection was completed in the late 1990s.
In this project, I used R and apply exploratory data analysis techniques on Monica dataset to discover relationships among multiple variables,
and create explanatory visualizations illuminating distributions, outliers, and anomalies.
$git clone
- ggthemes.
- ggplot2.
- dplyr.
- gridExtra.
- GGally.
- data.table.
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