Before running make sure you have the right tools installed (Android Studio, appium) and ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_ROOT set.
This repository contains scripts for end-to-end testing using Appium and WebDriverIO.
Clone the repository. Install dependencies using npm install.
Chrome WebDriverIO Tests: Run Chrome WebDriverIO tests using npm run chrome-wdio. Android WebDriverIO Tests: Run Android WebDriverIO tests using npm run android-wdio.
chrome-wdio: Run Chrome WebDriverIO tests. android-wdio: Run Android WebDriverIO tests.
@wdio/appium-service@8.32.3 @wdio/cli@8.32.3 @wdio/local-runner@8.32.3 @wdio/mocha-framework@8.32.3 @wdio/spec-reporter@8.32.2 appium-uiautomator2-driver@3.0.1 ts-node@10.9.2 typescript@5.3.3 chromedriver@122.0.4 wdio-chromedriver-service@8.1.1
This project is licensed under the ISC License.