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365 Days of code

Harvard CS50: Completed
Java-Web: Going through the basics of Microservices with SpringBoot.
_O: Restarting a relevent and REVOLUTIONARY project
BlackJack: Created a command line Yahtzee game in Java.
| October 10 2020 - November 4 2020

30DaysOfJava: Completed days 00 - 22 of 30 Days of Java.
Web-Scraper: Successfully completed 3 missions with this webscraper using bs4, requests & Selenium pip Libraries.
Yahtzee: Created a command line Yahtzee game in Java.
Dungeons & Dragons: Created another command line game but with D&D.
| August 14 2020 - October 08 2020 

Pluto: Project is ready for deployment, having trouble getting the app deployed.
Brainhive2: Created a route for when a user likes or unlikes a post. Also a route for comments and deleting comments.
Also learned about non-locking vs locking code for when you use mongoose to make changes to the database.

| July 28 2020 - August 13 2020


Pluto: Project should be finished, just ran into a bug with my auth reducer I'm going
to ask for help relatively soon.
_O: This is a soon to be NPM package that will help developers build a MEN stack back-end at ease.
The purpose of _O is to be able to have a function that takes an object as an argument, and this object requires 4 properties
which are server, api, database & models. Check out the by clicking the link for more information. Brainhive2: Use user ID from decoded token thanks to middleware and find a profile document
with a user feild that has a matching value to the ID. After that use the document ID of the recently obtained profile document to then
create a new post using that id as the value of the profile field of newly created post document. Steps:

  • Find profile with user ID and extract the id from it
  • Attach the id to the postData.
  • Create Post
  • Respond with post | July 17 2020 - July 27 2020


Pluto: Quick developments for this application almost done, will be a repo to reflect on for my other
future projects.
10DaysOfJavaScript: Completed the 10DaysOfJavaScript challenge.
Brainhive2: Created posts router for the Posts collection.
| July 10 2020 - July 16 2020


Brainhive2: Created profiles & users routes in the back-end, also created the models for both
users & profiles as well as a sub document for posts.
Archives: Created a repo to hold all my code through out, well forever 😁.
Algorithms: Added a lot more algorithms and restructured to repo to have basic, intermediate & efficient algorithms. | July 1 2020 - July 9 2020


Worked on & completed the following algorithms:


Back-End Practice: Created an enviroment for testing back-end code.
Front-End Practice: Created an enviroment for testing front-end code.
Algorithm Practice: Created an enviroment for solving algorithms.
Brainhive2: Started integrating a back-end into Brainhive2.
Hackr Started integrating the front-end to swap from pugjs to reactjs.


  • Good practice on using jwt, bcryptjs again in another program and the use of the request headers.
  • Learning that concurrently is'nt needed just to run a mern stack application & that you typically see or want the client and server separate.
  • Also dotenv isnt needed either, where you can just ignore files from github during a push with git. Or just set the enviroment variables via shell on the platform.
    the application is running on.
  • Getting new with mongoosejs projection and how to use it to query and modify datat in MongoDB Atlas or Local Databases.

| June 17 2020 - June 23 2020


Redux: Getting more familiar with Redux, creating reducers, actions and action creators.
React-Redux: Using connect to connect my React application to Redux.
React: Using the React library I am learning how to build a clean front-end and use the combination of
the above to create a global state in an application.

Dived deep into action creators, and using them to communicate with the reducer in order which modifies its own state & there can be multiple reducers that have their own state which branches from the global state or store.
| June 9 2020 - June 16 2020


algorithms-practice: Solved two problems, one was creating a program that decides a leapyear or not and two was implementing mergesort on an unsorted array of integers.

CODE-X: Reviewed code & absorbing the material on express validator, jsonwebtoken and bcryptjs.

e-commerce-app : Initialized a MERN stack project will come back to later on this month.

| June 1 2020 - June 8 2020


Brainhive2 Implemented Redux and used the redux ducks approach to keep action types, creators and the reducers in one file.

CODE-X: Created a Trello board for this application, to try to get in the habit of self Agile projects using Trello. In the application I began implementing the back-end using npm express (server) & mongoose (connecter for MongoDB, NOT MongoDB).

| May 26 2020 - May 31 2020


Harvard CS50: Completed problem set 4 (recover jpeg images), sort through the slack space of a camera's memory card for jpeg images in C.

Flash Quiz App: Application can now score percentages and display them to the user and store them to redux state, next is fixing up the UI a bit and displaying those percentages in an organized fashion.

CODE-X: This is a new project which will be built as a MERN stack, this application will be sort of like a place where devs can save their coding recipes and share them with other devs.

Brainhive: Have'nt made major changes this week, but plan on reviewing later on.

| May 15 2020 - May 25 2020


Harvard CS50: Completed problem set 4 filter an image and make it grayscale, sepia, reflect and blur in C.

Brainhive: Reviewed and changed some class components to functional components, also fixed an image sizing issue in the jumbotron with.

Flash Quiz App: This application made a major breakthrough by being able to check answers after the quiz has been taken. Next is actually scoring the quiz and storing it to redux.

| May 7 2020 - May 14 2020


Harvard CS50: Completed problem sets from weeks 1 to 3. Now on Week 4 Memory.

Brainhive: Restructured the data to instead be an object instead with array.

Flash Quiz App: Program takes answers to each question, now haft to score the quiz and save it to the central redux store. | Apr 24 2020 - May 06 2020


Started Harvard CS50 course and completed the first 3 introduction forms, now on week 01 scratch.
Worked on my Brainhive project - A resource sharing center for devs.
Almost done with my flash quiz app app | Apr 8 2020 - April 23 2020


Finished up my Hacker News Oauth application, you can access it here (Going to continue working on this).
Started Reading React Documentation
Starting building my first react app | Mar 22 2020 - April 7 2020


Started another collaboration project but using the Agile methodologies, and we are in the process of building a application that is a mixture of my Graduates project and Hacker News project. | Mar 12 2020 - March 21 2020


Started my first collaboration project,
built a hotel booking application. | Mar 1 2020 - March 11 2020


Got the Grads repository into full effect. Put alot of effort into this one,
plan on moving back to the hackr project once the features and documentation is
more presentable. | Feb 23 2020 - March 1 2020


Started the Grads project. A fullstack application for companies looking for graduates. | Feb 20 - 23 2020


Started the Hackr project. A fullstack social media application for developers. | Feb 13 - 19 2020


Quick review of json web tokens, plan on adding to fullstack app | Feb 11 - 12 2020


Working on fullstack app (From what I learned)| Feb 5 - 10 2020


Async JavaScript 6.7 | Feb 4 2020


Express 5.7 - 5.11 | Feb 3 2020


Completed Sections 5.1 - 5.6 | Feb 2 2020


Express Started Section 5. (Upgrade Sections)| Jan 1 2020


Final For section 4. (Upgrade Sections)| Jan 30 2020 Restful APIs


Nodejs-RESTful API Course (Upgrade Sections) | Jan 29 2020


Nodejs-RESTful API course (Upgrade Sections)| Jan 28 2020


Nodejs-RESTful API Course: Using route paramates with the find() method. | Jan 27 2020


Started Node.js REST API Course with Mosh | Jan 26 2020


To-Do v0.0.3: Renewed function and added features to front-end.| Jan 25 2020


MongoDB local/Express/Mongoose Node.js set-up test | Jan 24 2020


Getting comfortable with using Map(). | Jan 23 2020


Add the delete feature to my to-do app for the front end. So the front end will be able to make a fetch() ajax request to my RESTful API and make a successful deletion to MongoDB. Will need MongoDB community server for this app to work if you are you git cloned this. | Jan 22 2020


Use Regular Expression with the test() method to test arrays of string values, to find value equal to the Regular Expression. NOTE: I converted the array to a string with toString so the test() method will work. I belive it does it by default but ill do it to be safe

| Jan 21 2020


Use JSON data and create functions that filter through that data and sort it accordingly. In this case I copy and pasted in the file named 'users_file.json' then imported it in the 'day86.js' file | Jan 20 2020


Create an API for a To-Do web application (v01)| Jan 19 2020


Chaining ternary operators to come to different results based on condition (e.g.: condition1 ? ifTrue1 : condition2 ? ifTrue2 : condition3...)

| Jan 18 2020


Using the 'filter()' higher order function with my own function that includes two paramaters. //Paramaters //1. 'keyName' which is the key/property name of an object //2.'theKeyValue' is the value of the keyName or value of an object. //ex: function(keyName, theKeyValue) | Jan 17 2020


Connect front end to back end by using two differnt ports and usinf fetch() and XmlHttpRequests | Jan 16 2020


Use the 'Set()' syntax to to create a username validation. Use class constructor to construct a new username and a new user to add to the Array name:'User' and Set name:'userNames'. | Jan 15 2020


In a function with paramaters 'arr' and 'func'. Given the array 'arr', iterate through and remove each element starting from the first element (the 0 index) until the function 'func' returns true when the iterated element is passed through it | Jan 14 2020


Refresher on fetching data with 'XMLHttpRequest' and responding with json. | Jan 13 2020


Test HTTP POST request with REST API using MongoDB Atlas and Express | Jan 12 2020


Algorithm - Find falsey values in a given array of objects, use a function with two paramaters one containing the array of objects to check, the other the property value to check for either a falsey or truthy value. | Jan 11 2020


Algorithm - Return a new array that transforms the elements' average altitude into their orbital periods (in seconds). | Jan 10 2020


Algorithm - Create a constructor function that creates a person, also having methods to edit values | Jan 9 2020


Post request test for API| Jan 8 2020


Refresher on Object.keys() | Jan 7 2020


Create a simple tree data structure | Jan 6 2020


Flatten multi dimensional arrays | Jan 5 2020


Refresher on changing elements in the DOM. | Jan 4 2020


Connect API to mongoose database using npm package --> 'body-parser' as middleware, npm package --> 'mongoose', and use the 'mongoose.connect()' syntax to complete. | Jan 3 2020


Use regex to return the index of the string matched with the 'string.match(regex)' syntax. | Jan 2 2020


Use JavaScript Classes and Constructors to construct new occurrances of objects | Jan 1 2020 Happy New Year!


Use the for in loop to iterate through object keys | Dec 31 2019


Use the spread operator to add contents from other arrays to make one new array | Dec 30 2019


Use recursion to set a range of numbers in array | Dec 29 2019


Use external routes for my rest api | Dec 28 2019


Find least common multiple | Dec 27 2019


Organize api folder structure | Dec 26 2019


Sum all prime numbers based on a function paramaters value and return the result | Dec 25 2019


Use express to send a html document as the response | Dec 24 2019


Solve the fibunachi sequence then sum up all odd numbers less than or equal to the inital function parameter set, Which can be any number. | Dec 23 2019


Cover some of the basics of NPM, Express, and nodemon | Dec 22 2019


Replace charchaters (&, <, >, ', ") with their html entity value. Ex: (& = '&') | Dec 21 2019


Find the missing letter algorithm. | Dec 20 2019


Review CSS flex box and create a sample html document that uses flexbox. | Dec 19 2019


Solved two algorithms one converts english to pig latin the other adds dashes imbetween every word. | Dec 18 2019


Weather API version 2 (Make Icons show fr weather) | Dec 17 2019


Algorithm - Find matches in a collection (i.e: Array of objects Parameter1) with the key value pairs from parameter2's value (An object) then return all objects containing the matches. | Dec 16 2019


Animation with the canvas element | Dec 15 2019


Weather API version 1 | Dec 14 2019


Algorithm - Take an array as a paramater and a string as the second, then eliminate the matches found in array. | Dec 13 2019


(2 Algoirthms) - Algorithm 1 ~ Sum a range of numbers ex 1,5 should be 45 | Algorithm 2 ~ Find the differences between 2 arrays then add them to a new array. | Dec 12 2019


Web animation with javascript | Dec 11 2019


Algorithm - Write a function that splits an array (first argument) into groups the length of size (second argument) and returns them as a two-dimensional array. | Dec 10 2019


First RESTful API configuration | Dec 9 2019


Added new feature to bank program (From: Day 40) | Dec 8 2019


Cryptograph readline program (Program can only handle one sentence) | Dec 7 2019


Encrypt / | Decrypt a string | Dec 6 2019


Bank system program complete version 1 | Dec 5 2019


Bank system program in progress | Dec 4 2019


Bank system program in progress | Dec 3 2019


Sum up numbers in multi dimensional array | Dec 2 2019


Department report readline program version 2 (Latest version) | Dec 1 2019


Department report readline program version 1 | Nov 30 2019


Upgraded the program from yesterday works pretty well. Will add more features in the future. | Nov 29 2019


Take the data from an txt file and organize what you want out of it into an array and or object. | Nov 28 2019


Create a server using modules (http, fs). | Nov 27 2019


Use filter() map() and forEach() built-in JavaScript methods on an array of objects. | Nov 26 2019


Day 28 remake, instead of listing files in a directory(day28). Add a feature that can search content of a file for a specific keyword, and allow user to see content of any file. | Nov 25 2019


Created a module and imported it in another JavaScript file. | Nov 24 2019


Created a program where you paste a directory path and then it lists all files in that directory from where the path leads | Nov 23 2019


Create a JavaScript program that counts all occurances of certain keywords from a .text file. | Nov 22 2019


Create a JavaScript program that counts all occurances of certain keywords from a .text file. Used: Objects, methods, loops, filesytem module, and regex with the '.replace()' built-in JavaScript method. | Nov 21 2019


Made a program that creates files of your choice, using readline and filesytem APIs. | Nov 20 2019


Take one of the algorithms from day 23 and apply readline to it to make it interactive. | Nov 19 2019


Solved 3 Javascript algorithms. | Nov 18 2019


Created an html doc. | Nov 17 2019


Created a program that reverses input text. Used readline and an algorithm that reverses a string. | Nov 16 2019


Simulated a hotel enviroment. | Nov 15 2019


Created a little search engine type of program that searches any document containing a specific keyword. And each document is an object that contains multiple keys and values. | Nov 14 2019


Make a flash card learning program that uses 'readline' and a object of properties that have values of functions (thus making them methods). Using both of these techniques create a interface that asks questions relcieves answers and give answers back based on the given answer to a specific question. | Nov 13 2019


Create methods to change the object property values. | Nov 12 2019


Created a basic calculator. | Nov 11 2019


Created a program that allows infinite amounts of objects (based on user register) representing accounts that can be either added or deleted from array. Only the Admin menu can delete accounts. Created some menus with switch statements and function calls, to loop around without really using a loop. | Nov 10 2019


I created a menu with options to add a store name location then owner. When that takes place a function creates an object (based on input) and concatenates it to an array. | Nov 9 2019


Made a JavaScript program that makes a new array every time the | deck is shuffled. Then be able to shuffle the | deck and output when a click event happens on the specified place in the DOM. | Nov 8 2019


Created a program that uses an object constrouctor and concatenates the object to an empty array therefore making an array of objects. | Nov 7 2019


Create a readline interface that predicts what number(1-10) your thinking of. | Nov 6 2019


Created a program that takes input and factorializes it, also showing the results.
| Nov 5 2019


Created a program that takes input and calculates s = d ÷ t (speed = distance ÷ time); | Nov 4 2019


(Account Register and Login System) Add an object to an array based off of a new user being added. Pt. 1 Day 1. | Nov 3 2019


Make a modal. Day 7: | Nov 2 2019


Try making a program that is all confined inside a function rather than the global scope. And apply the code I write inside of the function to an html document | Nov 1 2019


I created a program that uses an object and a function then using both of the two to assing new data to the object. Oct 31 2019


I created a page that can be changed by the user, by adding event listeners then functions that change the CSS stylesheet. Oct 30 2019


I will be creating a login and register system with node JavaScript Oct 29 2019


I will be creating a user interface with node just. 0ct 28 2019


I will be making a madLib game for day 1. Oct 27 2019