A package for function approximation (interpolation) on Smolyak grids, useful in medium dimensions and when function evaluation is expensive. SparseGrids provides a similar approach for quadrature.
Grids are constructed using the:
NGrid(L::Vector{Int}, bounds::Array{Float64,2} = [zeros(..);ones(..)]; B = Linear)
: An D
dimensional vector where each element specifies the grid resolution in each dimension, a higher value generates more points.
: A [2 x D
] array specifying the lower and upper bounds in each dimension, defaults to [0, 1]n.
: This specifies the type of basis function used. Defaults to a Linear
hat function. A Quadratic
basis function can also be used if the function being approximated is sufficiently smooth.
: returns an array of size N x D
at which function values must be known, each row represents a point in N
dimensional space.
instances are callable taking two arguments:
G(A::Vector{Float64}, x::Array{Float64})
Where A
are the values of the function being approximated at each grid point and x
(size m x D
) are the m
points to be approximated.
using SparseInterp, Plots
G = NGrid([7,5], [-2. -1; 2 3], B = Quadratic)
rosenbrock(x,y) = (1 - x).^2 + 100*(y - x.^2).^2
X = values(G)[:,1]
Y = values(G)[:,2]
Z = rosenbrock(X, Y)
x,y = SparseInterp.ndgrid(linspace(-2,2,50), linspace(-1,3,50))
z = rosenbrock(x[:], y[:])
z0 = G(Z, [x[:] y[:]])
scatter(x[:], y[:], z0)
scatter(x[:], y[:], z - z0)
The interpolation function makes use of the :jl_threading_run
which scales well on tested machines but is an experimental feature...