An efficient Go implemetation of the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm with a friendly interface
20 times faster than the Python implementation by Paul Sinclair et al on single core, and even faster on multiple cores with Goroutines
- Provide a custom environment. Implement all methods of the
interface below, whereaction
can be any hashable type. We provide example environments underenv/
type State interface {
GetCurrentPlayer() int
GetPossibleActions() []any
TakeAction(action any) State
IsTerminal() bool
GetReward() int
- Search for the best action given the current state. You can define a custom rollout policy or use the default random one. Below is an example with the toy environment.
import (
initialState := NewNaughtsAndCrossesState()
searcher := MCTS.NewMCTS(1000, 0, 1.0/math.Sqrt(2), policy.RandomPolicy) // limit search time to one second
bestAction := searcher.Search(initialState) // {1, 1, 1}
- Modularization
- Parallel rollout