This is a website to help people find projects or create projects that require a specific set of skills. Users can sign up to find projects or post their own projects for others to join. Each user has their own custom profile showcasing interests and talent. Upon attempting to join a project the owner can accept or deny the application.
This website was built in part with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript originally supplied from for a Python Web Development Tech Degree Project. The HTML, CSS and JavaScript is to be considered built by Teamtreehouse for this project, but may be edited by me at some point.
Create a virtualenv and install the project requirements, which are listed in
. The easiest way to do this is with pip install -r requirements.txt
while your virtualenv is activated.
In order to run this project you need to create a SECRET_KEY. In the
team_builder directory create a file called
that has a
secret_key variable.
Once this is done use the command python migrate
initialize the database. Then run python runserver
start the website on your local host.
In addition to the requirements.txt file, python 3.5 + is required due to type hinting.