A liteweight simple Object Document Manager to connect Python objects to MongoDB, similar to mongoengine
- Based on IPython Traitlets.
- User interface in IPython Notebook for creating and adding objects via the widgetrepr package.
- Objects with the same id are always the same python object.
- References are special TraitType subclasses that implement a dereference and a ref methods.
- References to embedded objects are possible.
- Arbitrary objects can be saved: They either implement a savedict and to_classdict methods, are represented unchanged if they are of the right type (SAME_TYPES) or they are pickled.
- Container traits are handled correctly.
The drawbacks I can think of are:
- The performance has not been taken into account at all.
- No fancy query meta language (but pymongo is easy enough to use).
Download the package and run python setup.py install
import datetime
import mongotraits
from IPython.utils import traitlets
class BlogPost(mongotraits.Document):
author = traitlets.Unicode()
title = traitlets.Unicode()
content = traitlets.Unicode()
references = traitlets.List(mongotraits.Reference(__name__ + '.BlogPost'))
my_post = BlogPost(author = 'Zah', title = "First Post", content = "Mongotraits is nice and easy")
other_post = BlogPost(author = 'Zah', title = "Second Post", content = "Another post", references = [my_post,])
#The object is already saved in MongoDB
del other_post
#Can find using
loaded_post= BlogPost.find_one({'title':"Second Post"})
#Same id always corresponds to the same Python object.
assert(loaded_post.references[0] is my_post)
Circular references do not work properly at the moment.