A Cooking Mobile Application
This repository contains detailed samples app that implements MVP, MVVM architecture using Parceler,
Room, GreenDao, Retrofit, RX, Picasso, Calligraphy, PlaceHolderView and AndroidDebugDatabase.
At the moment, it has a simple structure but It's will be more complicated soon.
I used https://www.themealdb.com/api.php
for the content of app with a simple UI.
My goal of sharing this code is to fix problems and improve implementation. So I`ll be happy to hear from you!
- recipes guide
- Step-by-step instructions
- favorites and categories
- search by query, tag and title of category
Sample | Description |
dev-mvp-greendao | Uses Model‑View‑Presenter (MVP) architecture. |
dev-mvp-kotlin-room | The conversion of dev-mvp to Kotlin. |
dev-mvvm-databinding-greendao | This version incorporates the Model‑View‑ViewModel pattern. |
dev-mvvm-databinding-kotlin-room | The conversion of dev-mvvm to Kotlin. |
- GitHub - retrofit
- GitHub - picasso
- GitHub - gson
- GitHub - GreenDAO
- Github - Parceler
- Github - Calligraphy
- Github - Butterknife
- Github - Okhttp