Handy lightweight app for tracking your battles in Shadowrun 5e. Grunt Arbiter will allow you to:.
- Manage PC and NPCs though battle. Keep track whom turn it is, who is going next and in which space are they located.
- Manage hosts with ease. Randomly create host attributes. spawn ICe, keep track of Overwatch score. Have decker who just love to invade every host on his way? Good, give him hell.
- Manage barriers structural condition and armor. Throwing grenades finally delivers more Red Faction like experience.
- Manage matrix devices.
- Manage vehicles and drones, so you can finally track stats of numerous corporate drones closing on hopeless shadowrunners.
- Keep track of time spent in a battle, weather condition, astral background count, spirit index and more!
Grunt arbiter (GA) is intended to be simple app for GMs with laptops. Shadowrun itself is complex enough, so GA should only provide the simplest of controls to balance the weight.
Head over to "Release" tab and download version for your OS.
Grunt Arbiter uses Semantic Versioning that means the program version is composed of three parts.
- Major - Means major changes in GA save files. That means save files are not compatible between major versions, and will probably result in unexpected application behaviour.
- Minor - Means new features that doesn't compromise compatibility.
- Patch - Means no new features, just hotfixes of existing ones.
Codebase did get a little better, but it's still mess. I'm running out of time, so I would be grateful for your help. Of course, you will always help by reporting issues on github!
Grunt Arbiter is released under GPL version 3 or later https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html