- 👋 Hi, I’m Zanoni A. Salas T. @Zasalastobon
🔭 Right now, I am improving my soft skills.
🌱 I'm trying to learn cloud computing and Devops.
💬 Talk with me about any topic. Any conversation could be a fun way to meet people.
🎣 I'm looking for new horizons.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
👀 I have a keen interest in both Frontend and Backend development, with skills in HTML, JavaScript, SCSS, React.js, Nest.js, TypeORM, SQL, AutoCAD, Canva, Woocommerce, WordPress, MongoDB, JWT, and more.
🔭 I’m currently working on Estudio y Agencia, also developing website of the network seedbed of the University of the Amazon.
💞️ I’m currently studying as a Platzi student
✨ I’m improving my skills: Design, Soft, English.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Proyect developing website.
🤔 I’m looking for help with Api Rest.
💬 Ask me about React.js, Nest.js, Design Logo, advertising design.
📫 How to reach Web Site: ZasalasTobon LinkedIn: ZasalasTobon
Programming Languages | Frontend | Backend |
Markup Language | Content Management |
RDBMS | Dev Tools |
Operating Systems | Design |