opendoors is a fully packaged Drupal distribution for projects in citizen participation, providing a questions&answers platform.
We recommend to use opendoors as a responsive tool that, together with public information available online, creates transparency. Opendoors supports an open participatory culture in the public, with customers and within organisations. It's just as executive managers sometimes leave their office door open to invite employees to come up with question any time.
There's a Demo site.
Find real world examples and further information about opendoors at
- open up a discussion on a relevant topic
- people ask questions publicly, you can respond to them
- people can comment and rate on each other questions
- use the straight and easy moderation backend to keep the discussion constructive
- send a newsletter to everyone who's interested
- is shipped with a mobile-friendly design (based on zen theme)
Additional to Drupal 7 requirements, please make sure you're using PHP 5.5. Prior PHP versions are not supported.
When using opendoors, please do state that your product is based on opendoors or inspired by opendoors. However, you can’t call your product or service opendoors.
This software is based on Drupal 7. Its source-code is licensed and made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.