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Compiling scripts with debug info

Zeex edited this page Feb 21, 2015 · 16 revisions

In order to compile a script with debug info you have to pass the -d3 flag (debugging level 3) to pawncc at the command line.

If you're using a custom editor (i.e. not Pawno) it most likely has some option to change the compiler command line, so that's where you put that flag.

For Pawno users:

  1. Create a text file called pawn.cfg inside your pawno folder.
  2. Open the file and insert -d3 in there. Save it.
  3. Recompile your script(s).

Now you'll start seeing some additional compiler output:

Header size:           14904 bytes
Code size:           2547064 bytes
Data size:          20795764 bytes
Stack/heap size:       16384 bytes; estimated max. usage: 1234 cells
Total requirements: 23374116 bytes

That's fine, don't worry - it always prints this when you compile with -d2 or -d3. If you're not seeing that you probably did something wrong.

See also: AMX search path (AMX_PATH)

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