@zeldafan0225/ai_horde / Exports / TeamDetailsStable
- contributions
- id
- info
- kudos
- models
- name
- performance
- requests_fulfilled
- speed
- uptime
- worker_count
- workers
• Optional
contributions: number
How many megapixelsteps the workers in this team have been rewarded while part of this team.
• Optional
id: string
The UUID of this team
• Optional
info: string
Extra information or comments about this team provided by its owner
Anarchy is emergent order.
• Optional
kudos: number
How many Kudos the workers in this team have been rewarded while part of this team.
• Optional
models: ActiveModelLite
• Optional
name: string
The Name given to this team.
• Optional
performance: number
The average performance of the workers in this team, in megapixelsteps per second.
• Optional
requests_fulfilled: number
How many images this team's workers have generated
• Optional
speed: number
The total expected speed of this team when all workers are working in parallel, in megapixelsteps per second.
• Optional
uptime: number
The total amount of time workers have stayed online while on this team
• Optional
worker_count: number
How many workers have been dedicated to this team
• Optional
workers: WorkerDetailsLite