My implementation of in Julia.
GPU only Version is currently here
Install by cloning this repo, activating the package environment (i.e. cd
to the root directory, open julia
and ] activate .
) and then instantiate (] instantiate
Then open RayTracingInOneWeekend.jl and run.
Delete the definition of SIMD.any()
if your computer does not support avx (this may also give a speedup if you have avx512)
To run a bit faster change const Fast = false
to true
Using Claforte's benchmark: 1080p; 1000 samples per pixel; max depth is 16
Claforte's code runs in 1663s.
RayTracingInOneWeekend.jl runs in 202s
On my laptop which has better avx2 support I get 140s, slightly slower than my c++ code giving 135s.
Polyester, ThreadsX and tullio are all slower than using @spawn
clang++ PROFVIEW
singlethreaded 2300ms multithreaded 300ms
RayTracingInOneWeekend.jl julia 1.9.0 rc2 - adding teardown=(sleep(0.5)) makes @benchmark give quicker results (presumably more accurate) and matches @time result
single 2.5s multi 300ms using @time / 370ms using @benchmark median
Expronicon #e946f5f
single multi 280ms / 342 using @benchmark median
Virtual.jl - Look at Virtual.jl branch using teardown benchmark()
single multi 285ms
Virtual.jl - with attenuation stored in sphere instead of in material - (no improvement when also returning sphere and hitrecord to avoid acessesing sphere.material in findSceneIntersection) #5c7108a using teardown benchmark()
single multi 275ms - skeptical this is different to Expronicon
ON BATTERY POWER Virtual.jl using teardown benchmark()
single 2.374s multi 295ms
Virtual.jl - with attenuation stored in sphere instead of in material - (no improvement when also returning sphere and hitrecord to avoid acessesing sphere.material in findSceneIntersection) using teardown benchmark()
single 2.361s multi 292ms