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salara - Asterisk REST API module



A simple module for Asterisk PBX that provides two main features:

  1. Built-in HTTP REST API that accepts incoming connections and manages calls accordingly.
  2. Built-in HTTP REST client that can connect to external REST API and manage incoming calls according to REST responses.

It is easily customizable and can serve as a base for integration of existing Asterisk installations with external data sources, like CRMs, databases or any other application with REST interface.

Package files:

  • salara.conf - module configuration file

  • Makefile - make file (module compilation scenario)

  • salara.c - source (module source code)

Module name -

Required headers:

- asterisk headers files (asterisk package)
- libcurl headers files (libcurl-devel)
- libjansson headers files (libjansson-devel)

Required libraries:

- or high (
- or high (

Compilation and installation


Copy files :

  • to directory /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ (or other asterisk module directory)

  • salara.conf to directory /etc/asterisk/ (asterisk confifuration directory)

Load module via asterisk CLI:

module load

The following message will be shown in the console:

  == Registered application 'salara'
 Loaded => (Features: transfer call; make call; get status: exten.,peer,channel; send: command,message,post)
[salara 14:13:56.141] SEND_BY_EVENT Thread started (tid:2886441792).

Get available module commands:

core show help salara

Module features

1. Direct HTTP JSON POST messages to salara module (port 5058)

1.1 Setup a call between two subscribers:

    "operator": "8003",
    "phone": "0000",
    "context": "alnik"


  • "operator" - calling party (caller) - required
  • "phone" - called party, external or internal (called) - required
  • "context" - caller context - optional

Module algorithm :

  • Check the caller status, if ok caller call leg is established;
  • after caller party answers, called party leg is established.

Example of module response to this request:



  • "result" - caller party status code
  • "text" - caller party status text.

1.2 Send text message to internal subscriber :

    "operator": "8003",
    "phone": "8002",
    "msg": "Message text",
    "context": "general"


  • "operator" - message recipient, the subscriber who receives the message - required
  • "phone" - sender, the subscriber, who sends the message - required
  • "msg" - message text - required
  • "context" - recipient context - optional

Module algorithm :

  • check the operator status, if ok - send the message

Example of module response to this request :



  • "result" - operator status code
  • "text" - operator status text.

1.3 query status of extension subscriber (extension) :

    "exten": "8003",
    "context": "alnik"


  • "exten" - extension subscriber, which status is required- required
  • "context" - exten context- optional

Example of module response to this request :

{"result":0,"text":"Idle"} - available
{"result":4,"text":"Unavailable"} - unavailable
{"result":-1,"text":"Unknown"} - error in numbering plan

1.4 query peer status (peer) :

    "peer": "8003",
    "context": "alnik"


  • "peer" - peer, which status is required - required
  • "context" - peer context - optional

Example of module response to this request :

{"result":0,"text":"Reachable"} - available
{"result":0,"text":"Unknown"} - unavailable
{"result":-1,"text":"Error"} - error in numbering plan

1.5 query channel status (channel) :

    "chan": "SIP/8003-00000020"


  • "chan" - channel, which status is required - required

Example of module response to this request :

{"result":-1,"text":"Channel not present"} - the channel is not present
{"result":0,"text":"Up (6)"} - the channel is present (live) 

2. POST requests, sent by the module to a third-party web server (CRM, or any other source of call management data) in JSON format

Requests are created on the following events (events) :

2.1 "Newchannel" - a new channel is created (for the calls, passed through the Transfer function of the module)

Example of (CRM) request :


Example of HTTP response to this request :


2.2 "Hangup" - the channel ceased functioning (for the calls, passed through the Transfer function of the module)

Example of (CRM) request :


Example of HTTP response to this request :


2.3 "Newexten" - the caller status is changed (for the calls, passed through the Transfer function of the module)

Example of HTTP request :

{"event":"Newexten","chan":"SIP/8003-00000023","caller":"8003","exten":"0000","state":"RING"} - call the number "0000"


{"event":"Newexten","chan":"SIP/8003-00000023","caller":"8003","exten":"0000","state":"UP","app":"Playback"} - connect the number "0000" 

Example of HTTP response to this request :


2.4 "AgentConnect" - the agent answered a call from queue(for the calls, passed through the Transfer function of the module)

Example of HTTP request :

{"event":"AgentConnect","chan":"SIP/8003-00000025","caller":"8003","queue":"710","state":"UP","agent":"2222"} - connect the number "2222"

Example of HTTP response to this request :
