A discord welcomer bot developed in discord.js v13 that is very simple to use and comes with code and deployment instructions!
This Welcomer Bot Was Created by ZeroSync
- Youtube Channel
- Support Server Link
⚠ This bot needs a Node.js v16+ runtime to function since discord.js version 13 requires said node version to function.
apt install nodejs npm -y
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x -o nodesource_setup.sh
chmod 777 nodesource_setup.sh
apt install nodejs -y
npm install
# https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v16.0.0/ get node.js
npm install
Step 2: Obtain a Bot Token From Here
Step 3 : Replace the Token in config.json
node index.js
npm install -g pm2@latest
pm2 start --name "Welcomer" index.js --watch
Note: Make sure to enable privilleged gateway intents! (Member Intent & Message Content Intent In The Developer Portal)
- Discord.js v13.x
- KeyV - Customisable database ( sqlite by default can be connected to any type of database )
- Canvas - For crafting the welcome message
- Canvas - Constuctor - Making my work easy :P
- Weird-to-normal-chars - To Adjust the fonts present around discord to our available fonts in image.