It is Work In Progress So There Is Going To be More added
This is a jquery clone I made
To add this to your project download or clone this repository then add lib.js to your editor and put in in your html file put <script src="path to lib.js"></script> OR use this link: like a cdn BEFORE any your actual javascript.
Selecting an element
//selecting an element
//selecting an element with id
//selecting an element with class
//selecting an attribute
//You can combine them like how you do with querySelector
Hide and show
//hide hides the element using display:none
//show shows the element by using display:block
HTML and setHTML
//returns elements html
//set html with setHTML(code)
$('element').setElement('<p>Example On Some Code</p>')
classes and id
src and style
$('element').style('color', 'cyan')
//returns the value of an element
$('element').attr('id', 'whatever')
//if the value is null it will use get an attribute instead of setting an attribute
//basically addEventListener
$('button').on('click', function(){
$('button').on('click', doSomething)
function doSomething(){
//you get the idea
createChld(It is createChld and not createChild, not a spelling mistake)
//syntax is createChld(childElement, id, class, innerHTML)
$('div').createChld('p', 'id', 'class', 'Hello or <strong>Hello</strong>')
//just logs to a div with the id of log