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Releases: Zev-G/JFXDevTools

v0.0.0-alpha (not ready for use)

17 May 20:15
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This version is not meant for use.


  • Animation
    • AnimationBuilder support for:
      • PauseTransition, FadeTransition, TranslateTransition, ScaleTransition
      • TimeLine, KeyFrame, KeyVaue
      • ParallelTransition + SequentialTransition
    • Animations class allows for:
      • Binding an animation to a BooleanProperty
      • Easily creating animation builders
      • Easily attaching an animation to an event
      • animatePropertyChange method allows for animating a change in the value of a property (via a TimeLIne)
      • animateNodesWithDelay nice effect to animate a series of nodes in semi-parallel with a delay between them which can be smaller than their duration. (for example: fade in 10 elements over 200ms with a 50ms delay between the beginning of each element's animation)
  • Dragging
    • Make a node draggable by specifying some DoubleProperties to change for the x and y.
    • Make a node draggable via a Popup window.
    • DragManager class to manage the dragging-functionality (disable, enable, change the properties, etc)
  • Layout
    • Easier syntax to anchor a node within an AnchorPane
  • Misc
    • Check if a set of Objects are all equal
    • Short hand for making a Border
    • Systematically add Nodes to a GridPane
    • Convert a Color object to a valid css color ("rgba(x, x, x, x)")
    • Short hand to create an SVGPath

Custom Controls

  • Arrow and ArrowHead (need to be improved)
  • FillWidthTextField is an auto-scaling TextField
  • Custom ColorPicker
  • ColorPickerMiniView allows you to choose the color via a custom ColorPicker in a Popup
  • ColorTransitionPicker lets you choose two colors with an arrow between them
  • LinearGradientPicker can be used to create a LinearGradient, it can also load a LinearGradient


  • Listen to a property on a Node by showing a popup whenever it changes
  • SimpleInspector allows you to better understand your project's layout
  • NodeCss
    • This allows you to edit a Node's css in real-time, all css-properties are editable
    • There are custom-views to edit: Enums, Strings, Numbers, Insets, Fonts, Cursors, Paints (linear gradient or colors) Backgrounds, and Borders


  • Magis
    • Inspired by this article I rebuilt one of the views (lesson selector) using the Animations API referenced above