This is a toolbox to construct adversarial examples of EEG signals. The traditional EEG extraction methods and classifiers are re-implemented in Tensorflow.
Tensorflow = 1.13.1
pyriemann = 0.2.5
mne = 0.17.1
Sorts of classic methods used in EEG have been re-implemented in Tensorflow in our library as you could seen in lib/
The blocks including:
Processing Blocks: xDAWN, CSP, ICA, PCA, covariance feature, tangent space feature ('riemann', 'logdet', 'logeuclid', 'euclid')
Classifiers: logistic regression, SVM, LDA, MDM ('riemann', 'logdet', 'logeuclid', 'euclid')
Here is a small example for how to build the precessing pipeline. Let's assume you want to build a pipeline including (xDAWN, Covariance, tangent space feature ('riemann'), logistic regression) for P300 classification. Then, you could simply use
from lib import Blocks
from lib import Pipeline
processers = [
Blocks.Xdawn(n_filters=8, with_xdawn_templates=True, apply_filters=True),
Blocks.TangentSpaceFeature(mean_metric='riemann', name='TangentSpace({})'.format('riemann'))
classifier = Blocks.LogisticRegression()
model = Pipeline(processers, classifier)
to build it. And if you want to see the information of the pipeline:
Then if you want to train the pipeline:, y)
if you want to get the prediction of the pipeline:
when you want to get the model re-implemented in Tensorflow:
keras_model = model.get_keras_model(input_shape=(n_channel, length))
when you want to save the model:
and of course load the model (Please be aware that now only the tensorflow version could be used after being loaded):
Please look at lib/ for more information. This file mainly contains several classes for adversarial attacks.
- WhiteBoxAttacks: L-BFGS-B, FGSM, FGM, BIM, C&W(TODO)
- BlackBoxAttacks: TODO
Now it supports both target attacks and non-target attacks.
Adversarial attack can be quite simple with our library. For example, if model is the target model built with Keras, then it can be attacked by FGSM with the following commands:
from lib.KerasAdversary import WhiteBoxAttacks
import tensorflow.keras.backen as K
AttackAgent = WhiteBoxAttacks(model, K.get_session())
adv_x = AttackAgent.fgsm(x, y, epsilon=0.1)
where adv_x are adversarial examples of x.
NOTE: If you want to perform target attacks, then you should set the parameter target=True and y is your target label. For example,
from lib.KerasAdversary import WhiteBoxAttacks
import tensorflow.keras.backen as K
AttackAgent = WhiteBoxAttacks(model, K.get_session())
adv_x = AttackAgent.fgsm(x, y, target=True, epsilon=0.1)
We give out all the code to reproduce the results in our paper. Please check our paper and files for more information.
Related files:
For visualization:
- matlab/plot_topomaps_together.m (you should run first).