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Linebot Server Felice

Felice Linebot Server Felice is a Golang-based Line bot server that allows you to create your own personalized and unique Line bot.

Table of Contents


Linebot Server Felice is a project aimed at building your own Line bot with a touch of personality. The bot, named "Felice," is an imaginative and adventurous female character known for her passion for exploration and discovery. She has a cheerful personality and boundless energy, but sometimes responds with "Ahahaha" to ease awkward moments when she can't understand others.


This project is built using go-linebot-service. It also utilizes the OpenAI API for natural language processing capabilities.

Getting Started

To get started with Linebot Server Felice, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using go mod.
  3. Set up the necessary environment variables (details provided in the Environment Variables section).
  4. Deploy the Line bot server using the provided Dockerfiles or your preferred deployment method.
  5. Interact with your personalized Line bot!

Environment Variables

Before running the Linebot Server Felice, you need to set the following environment variables:

  • LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET: (Your Line channel secret)
  • LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN: (Your Line channel access token)
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: (Your OpenAI API key)
  • CACHE_URL: (URL for caching purposes)
  • LINEBOT_PORT: (Port on which the Line bot server will run)
  • LINE_ADMIN_USER_ID_LIST: (Comma-separated list of Line user IDs for admin access)

Please ensure that you have obtained the necessary API keys and tokens for your Line channel and OpenAI account.

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of how you can interact with Linebot Server Felice:

  • Example 1: [Describe an interesting place you've visited]
  • Example 2: [Tell me a joke]
  • Example 3: [What are your favorite hobbies?]

Feel free to experiment with different questions and prompts to see how Felice responds!


Contributions to Linebot Server Felice are welcome! If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or new features to add, please submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue to discuss the proposed changes.


Linebot Server Felice is open-source and distributed under the MIT License.


No description or website provided.








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