This is an assortment of tools for various administrative tasks for the Zimbra Collaboration Suite.
These tools are currently available:
This kickstart file automates this wiki:
You can create your repo using KVM by doing something similar to: or you can start the kickstart with a CentOS7 install ISO. After installation you only need to copy your SSL key and crt file to the new server.
A python script for reporting unauthorized device use in Zimbra
The following tools are available from their own repositories or websites:
- Zimbra ZCO Report script (by silpion) - Report the versions of the Zimbra Connector for Outlook currently in use
- Zmbkpose - A GPL licensed shell script that does hot backup and hot restore of ZCS Opensource accounts.
- Ansible Role - Ansible Role to make Zimbra Deployment easier when you are testing or coding
- Zlockout Monitor - A log monitoring daemon that sends an email alert to the admin when a user account goes into lockout mode because of too many failed attempts (e.g. from a dictionary attack)
Hierarchical storage allows for older content (mails) to be moved to slower/cheaper storage. Allowing users to have large mailboxes.
For archival purpose we also forked this repo to:
Automated cbpolicd installer for single-server Zimbra 8.8.15 patch 7 on CentOS 7
This script is designed to print out a chart showing all zimbra COS and which servers are associated with each
Download all repositories in Zimbra-Community, bash -x
The CLI command zmmboxsearchx is used to search across mailboxes. You can search across mailboxes to find messages and attachments that match specific criteria and save copies of these messages to a directory. Created by Phil Pearl as part of bug 43265.
This tool is a bit buggy, if it fails, trying again usually does the trick.
zmmboxsearchx --query admin --account,
rpm -i zmmboxsearchx-20100625-2.noarch.rpm
dpkg -i zmmboxsearchx.deb
Example: zmmboxsearchx --query admin --account,,
You can decode the Zimbra authentication token cookie using zmprov gati <ZM_AUTH_TOKEN>
from the command line on a Zimbra server. You can also use the stand-alone Perl script from