Light weight multi account steam idler
- ZixeSea - github: ZixeSea
- Danial - github: RedSparr0w
This project has been created in 2019 for me to easily run a steam idler 24/7 in the background while using almost no resources. this project has been reworked in 2022 adding a lot of new options like the "staticIdler" and "dynamicIdler" idlers. The only thing that was missing was multi account support. This has been added in the rewrite from 2023 and now known as SteamIdler V2.
If you have 2AF on for you steam account, you need to provide it while the program is starting. A message will appear about it.
Run the following command in a CMD/terminal at the location where you want to download it:
git clone
Remember to go in to the config folder and chnage/add a config file (for example:
). The name of the config file doesn't matter but every account should have it's own config file.
- steam-user - Used to interface with Steam.
- asciiart-logo - Used to create a splash screen in the console.
- colors - Used to color and style console output.
- console-table-printer - Used to create a table in the console.
- time-stamp - Used to format timestamps.
- steam-totp - Used to generate Steam auth codes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details (deleting and/or modifying the license file after forking isn't allowed).
- Prepare linux
1.1 Update server 1.2 Install node.js - Prepare windows
2.1 Get node.js - Account config
3.1 Information 3.2 Add config - Run idler
4.1 Install dependencies 4.2 Start program
Everything in this section is based on a host system running Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04. Most if not all information can be used for other versions of Ubuntu (or dabian based distro's) as well, but it may require slight changes.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
sudo npm i npm@9.6.1 -g
The versions mentioned above can be outdated, always check (this page) for the most recent LTS version of node.js and check (this page) for the most recent version of NPM. Installing outdated versions can create problems or security risks.
Everything in this section is based on a host system running Windows 10/11. Most if not all information can be used for other versions of Windows as well, but it may require slight changes.
Installing Node.js on windows is really easy, they have an installer for it and you can download it on their website (so it's simply clicking "next" and "ok").
Download link:
You can find the config file(s) in the config folder (src/config
), every account that should idle also needs it's own config file. The name of the config file doesn't matter.
- account (REQUIRED)
| String | The username from the steam account
| String | The username from the steam account
| Boolean | If "true" friends won't see notification or you playing anything
| String | Auto 2FA login
- idlerSettings
| Boolean | Turn idler on or off
| Number | Amount of games playing at the same time (max is 32)
| Number | Number of min to idle for before switching games (0 means randomized number)
| Array | Games that will always be idled, example: [730, 570, 440]
| Boolean | If "true" it won't idle games you're banned in (except if it's in "alwaysIdleList")
| Boolean | If "true" it won't idle free to play games (except if it's in "alwaysIdleList")
| Array | List of games not to idle, example: [730, 570, 440] (except if it's in "alwaysIdleList")
If you want to add another account, created a new .js file (name doesn't matter) in the config folder (src/config
) and copy this in the file. Don't forget the add the necessary account information and settings.
module.exports = {
account: {
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
statusInvisible: false,
shared_secret: ''
idlerSettings: {
enabled: true,
parallelGameIdle: 32,
idleTime: 0,
alwaysIdleList: [],
skipBannedGames: false,
skipFreeGames: false,
blacklistGames: []
The program needs to get the required dependencies to work (see dependencies), you do this with the command below. Keep in mind that you need to run this in the folder SteamIdler
in a CMD/terminal.
npm i
Starting/running the program is the same for linux and windows, you can use the default node.js start command listed here. Keep in mind that you need to run this in the folder SteamIdler
in a CMD/terminal.
node .