After over a month of programming and studying, we are proud to announce the first major release since the initial release of the HLTVDiscordBridge. We reworked the entire codebase for improved performance and easier implementation of future features. We have also made a major update to our API for a higher possible frequency of requests and expanded functionality.
Following changes are:
- team [team] gives a brief summary about a specified team similar to player
- event does the same as team but for events
- set is now the command used to change per-server settings. For more details run help set
- With the introduction of set it is now possible to disable automated messages. For more details see set
- Some of you have probably seen some early testing with automated event announcements and with this release they should be back again without the spam :P
- Stats for results work again and support now 6-man rosters
- Several performance improvements, especially for result stats