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Repository of test data from COLING 2018 paper "Neural Transition-based String Transduction for Limited-Resource Setting in Morphology" by Peter Makarov and Simon Clematide

The code to reproduce these results can be found at The exact definition of which results from which result directory actually went into which table of our paper (and the corresponding test data in can be found in the makefiles in and in

All files in this repository are results from using a beam width of 4.

FIGURE 5: celex2PKE and celex13SIA 50/100/300

All results from low resource settings of 2PKE and 13SIA tasks.

LAT n/a
HA* data/celexbytasklow/HASTAR-CRP
CA data/celexbytasklow/CA-CRP
gold standard data/celexbytasklow/GOLD

Table 1: Celex

All models on celex data were computed via crp alignment.

Table 1: Part CELEX-BY-TASK

Model PATH
gold standard data/celexbytask/GOLD

The data files contain all tasks according to the table headers for the tasks. They numbers in the task-specific columns are averages over 5 models. The number in column "Avg." is the average of all these averages.

Model 13SIA 2PIE 2PKE rP Avg. PATH
LAT 87.5 93.4 87.4 84.9 88.3 n/a
NWFST 85.1 94.4 85.5 83.0 87.0 n/a
HA* 84.6 93.9 88.1 85.1 87.9 data/celexbytask/HASTAR-CRP
CA 85.0 94.5 88.0 84.9 88.1 data/celexbytask/CA-CRP
HA*-MRT 84.8 94.0 88.1 85.2 88.0 data/celexbytask/HASTAR-CRP
CA-MRT 85.6 94.6 88.0 85.3 88.4 data/celexbytask/CA-MRT-CRP

Datasets with explicit linguistic features for rP reinflection task can be found in

Table 1: Part CELEX-ALL

There are 5 folds where we built 5 models for each fold. From the 5 models an ensemble system is built. The reported numbers are the averages of the ensembles (!).

Model PATH
gold standard data/celexall/GOLD
Model Alignment Avg. PATH
MED 87.2 n/a
HA 89.5 n/a
HA*-E crp 89.1 data/celexall/HASTAR-CRP-E
CA-E crp 89.1 data/celexall/CA-CRP-E
HA*-MRT-E crp 89.4 data/celexall/HASTAR-MRT-CRP-E
CA-MRT-E crp 89.5 data/celexall/CA-MRT-CRP-E

Table 2: SIGMORPHON 2017

The HAECM-E15-* data is taken from our official submission email.

The gold standard (same for low and medium):

Model low/medium PATH
gold standard data/sigmorphon2017/GOLD/

Table 2: Part SIGMORPHON 2017 Low Averages

Model Alignment low PATH
baseline 37.9 n/a
HA* lcs 29.1 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-LCS-AVG
CA lcs 47.3 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-LCS-AVG
HA* crp 23.9 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-CRP-AVG
CA crp 42.5 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-CRP-AVG
HA*-MRT lcs 30.2 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-MRT-LCS-AVG
CA-MRT lcs 48.1 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-MRT-LCS-AVG
HA*-MRT crp 25.3 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-MRT-CRP-AVG
CA-MRT crp 43.6 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-MRT-CRP-AVG

Table 2: Part SIGMORPHON 2017 Medium Averages

Model Alignment medium PATH
baseline 64.7 n/a
HA* lcs 78.5 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-LCS-AVG
CA lcs 79.5 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-LCS-AVG
HA* crp 75.4 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-CRP-AVG
CA crp 78.9 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-CRP-AVG
HA*-MRT lcs 79.6 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-MRT-LCS-AVG
CA-MRT lcs 80.3 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-MRT-LCS-AVG
HA*-MRT crp 78.1 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-MRT-CRP-AVG
CA-MRT crp 81.1 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-MRT-CRP-AVG

Table 2: Part SIGMORPHON 2017 Low Ensembles

Model Alignment low PATH
baseline 37.9 n/a
HA*-E lcs 31.5 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-LCS-E
CA-E lcs 48.8 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-LCS-E
HA*-E crp 26.1 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-CRP-E
CA-E crp 44.0 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-CRP-E
HA*-MRT-E lcs 33.1 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-MRT-LCS-E
CA-MRT-E lcs 49.9 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-MRT-LCS-E
HA*-MRT-E crp 28.1 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HASTAR-MRT-CRP-E
CA-MRT-E crp 45.7 data/sigmorphon2017/low/CA-MRT-CRP-E
HACM-E7 46.8 n/a
HAEM-E7 48.5 n/a
HA[EC]M-E15 50.6 data/sigmorphon2017/low/HAECM-E15

Table 2: Part SIGMORPHON 2017 Medium Ensembles

Model Alignment medium PATH
baseline 64.7 n/a
HA*-E lcs 80.2 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-LCS-E
CA-E lcs 81.0 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-LCS-E
HA*-E crp 77.8 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-CRP-E
CA-E crp 80.6 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-CRP-E
HA*-MRT-E lcs 81.5 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-MRT-LCS-E
CA-MRT-E lcs 81.9 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-MRT-LCS-E
HA*-MRT-E crp 80.5 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HASTAR-MRT-CRP-E
CA-MRT-E crp 82.9 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/CA-MRT-CRP-E
HACM-E7 81.8 n/a
HAEM-E7 80.3 n/a
HA[EC]M-E15 82.8 data/sigmorphon2017/medium/HAECM-E15

Table 3: SIGMORPHON 2016

The gold standard of task 1 data:

Model PATH
gold standard data/sigmorphon2016/GOLD/

Table 3: SIGMORPHON 2016 Averages

Model Alignment Avg. PATH
HA* crp 94.35 data/sigmorphon2016/HASTAR-CRP-AVG
CA crp 94.39 data/sigmorphon2016/CA-CRP-AVG

Table 3: SIGMORPHON 2016 Ensembles

Model Alignment Avg. PATH
MED 95.56 n/a
SOFT 96.34 n/a
HA 95.61 n/a
HA*-E crp 95.21 data/sigmorphon2016/HASTAR-CRP-E
CA-E crp 95.30 data/sigmorphon2016/CA-CRP-E

Table 4: Lemmatization

Only averages over the official folds (10 folds) from one model (generated by seed 5) are here.

The gold standard data:

Model PATH
gold standard data/lemmatizationwic2002/GOLD/
Model Alignment Avg. PATH
LAT 94.2 n/a
NWFST 95.3 n/a
HA* lcs 97.7 data/lemmatizationwic2002/HASTAR-LCS-AVG
CA lcs 97.3 data/lemmatizationwic2002/CA-LCS-AVG
HA* crp 97.3 data/lemmatizationwic2002/HASTAR-CRP-AVG
CA crp 96.8 data/lemmatizationwic2002/CA-CRP-AVG

Feel free to ask for questions related to the data or for questions regarding the code.


Repository of test data from COLING 2018 paper by Makarov and Clematide







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