Zyzonix's attic - storage for several small scripts/projects
Check out my debian repository: repo.zyzonix.net
Additionally I am contributor at FIXES@Brecht
There are several very small scripts stored here carefully:
- Proxmox Tweaks -> Remove subscription badge automatically
- python-prometheus-exporters -> Export statistics to Prometheus via a python webserver (FastAPI)
- ipfire-extensions -> extensions for the OSS Firewall IPFire, available scripts: openvpn-notifier: notifications via mail when certs are expiring
- PVE-Alive -> Check if processes are running (Proxmox VE)
- Observium-Scripts -> Install observium agent via script automatically on Debian/Artix
- WakeOnLan Server (wolserer) -> Automatically wakeup UPS-connected clients after power-loss with a Raspberry Pi (moved to Zyzonix/earlybird)
- nextcloud-backup -> automatically mount Nextcloud via davfs/WebDAV o CLI and create tarball from it