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CMA Server

Handling data on fly

  • Designed to collect any kind of data from connected devices via any kind of communication protocols
  • Make some declarative computation on the data received from connected devices
  • Share collected / computed data to the clients
  • Stores collected / computed data to the disk / database

Basic functions (embedded)

  • receives data points from the connected devices:
    • ProfinetClient - connectivity with the Siemens devices via profinet
  • MultiQueue service - destribute data points to the intrnal serveces suscribed on
  • destribute data points to the external clients:
    • TcpServer - released
    • UdpServer
    • Additional protocols... -[x] ProfinetClient -[x] SlmpClient
  • Task service - make configured computation
  • API Client service - stores some data into the database

Additional functions (built on basic)

Function diagram

flowchart LR;
    subgraph Backend
        subgraph CMA
            cmaServer[CMA Server];

        subgraph Database
            apiServer((API Server</p>));

        subgraph FaultRecorder[Fault Recorder]
            subgraph Interfaces
                cmaServerRust[CMA Server];
                cmaClient[CMA Client];
                apiClient[API Client];

            dataCache(("Poont Queue<br>Point Pipe"));
            subgraph Task
                task1[Task<br>Operating Cycle];
                task2[Task<br>Fault Detection];

        db <--> apiServer;

        cmaServer --> cmaClient;
        cmaClient --> dataCache;
        apiClient <--> |json|apiServer;

        dataCache <--> |point| task1;
        dataCache <--> |point| task2;
        dataCache <--> |point| task3;
        task1 <--> |sql| operatingCycleMetrics1;
        task1 <--> |sql| operatingCycleMetrics2;
        task2 <--> |sql| faultDetectionMetrics1
        task2 <--> |sql| faultDetectionMetrics2
        task3 <--> |sql| additionalMetrics1
        task3 <--> |sql| additionalMetrics2
        additionalMetrics1 <--> |value| additionalfunctions1
        additionalMetrics2 <--> |value| additionalfunctions2
        faultDetectionMetrics1 <--> |value| faultDetectionFunctions1
        faultDetectionMetrics2 <--> |value| faultDetectionFunctions2
        operatingCycleMetrics1 <--> |value| operatingCycleFunctions1
        operatingCycleMetrics2 <--> |value| operatingCycleFunctions2
classDef gray fill:#DCDCDC,stroke:#DCDCDC,stroke-width:2px;
classDef lightBlue fill:#D3DCFF,stroke:#DCDCDC,stroke-width:2px;
classDef green fill:#DEFFD3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef orange fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
class Backend gray
class Interfaces lightBlue
class CMA green
%% class di orange    

1 Task service


Service provides configurable in the yaml computations.
Consists of number of computation nodes. Each node consists of number of functions.
The computation value - is point {type, value, tumestamp, status}
Each computation cycle sequentally calls computation nodes of the task in the order defined in the configuration. So variables used in the task must be defined earlier then used.
The computations can be executed:

  • periodically with configured cycle time (min 10ms for now)
  • event-trigger, computation node will be performed if at least one if it's input received new point

Basic entities and principles of the Tasck service computations

  • Definitions

    • let VarName - allows to define a variable
    • const - allows to define a constant, typed
    • input - alows to define an input, typed
    • fn FunctionName - allows to use a function by it's name
  • Inputs

    • VariableName - read point from defined earlier variable
    • const - read point from constant
    • input - read point from input
  • Variable

The result of the computation node can be stored in the variable, wich can be used late in the any computation node.

# Syntax
let <VariableName>:

For example variable 'Var' defined. And used late in the function 'Add':

service Task ExampleTask:
    cycle: 1s
    let Var:
        input: ...
    fn Add:
        input1: const int 3
        input2: Var
# returns 3 + Var on each step
  • Constant

Always returns configured constant value, can be used in the any input of the any function.

# Syntax
const <type> <value>

For example constant used on the inputs of the 'Add' function:

service Task ExampleTask:
    cycle: 1s
    fn Add:
        input1: const int 3
        input2: const int 7
# returns 10 on each step
  • Input

Returns latest received point

# Syntax
input <type> <'/path/PointName'>

2 History Service

  • collect configured data points
  • stores number of configured metrics into the database

3 Fault Recorder Service

  • collect configured data points
  • stores number of configured metrics into the database

Storeing following information into the API Server

  • operating cycle

    • start timestamp
    • stop timestamp
    • alarm class
    • avarage load
    • max load
  • operating cycle metrics

    • list of all metrics...
    • to be added...
  • process metrics

    • process values
    • faults values

Configuration fo the tasks, metrics, functions

service CmaClient:
    addres:  # Self local addres
    cycle: 1 ms             # operating cycle time of the module
    auth:                   # some auth credentials
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000

service ProfinetClient Ied01:
    cycle: 1 ms          # read cycle time, 0 or ommit to disable
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
    protocol: 'profinet'
    description: 'S7-IED-01'
    ip: ''
    rack: 0
    slot: 1
    diagnosis:                  # internal diagnosis, delete to disable
        point Status:           # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
        point Connection:       # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r    
    db db899:                   # many DB blocks allowed, name must be unique
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 8
        point Drive.Speed: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 0
        point Drive.OutputVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 4
    db db999:                   # many DB blocks allowed, name must be unique
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 6
        point Drive.positionFromHoist: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 0
        point Capacitor.Capacity: 
            type: 'Int'
            offset: 4

service ProfinetClient Ied02:
    cycle: 1 ms          # read cycle time, 0 or ommit to disable
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
    protocol: 'profinet'
    description: 'S7-IED-02'
    ip: ''
    rack: 0
    slot: 1
    diagnosis:                  # internal diagnosis, delete to disable
        point Status:           # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
        point Connection:       # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r    
    db db899:                   # many DB blocks allowed, name must be unique
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point ChargeIn.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 30
            bit: 0
        point ChargeOut.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 32
            bit: 0

service ApiClient:
    cycle: 1 ms
    reconnect: 1 s  # default 3 s
    in queue api-link:
        max-length: 10000

service MultiQueue:
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
        - task1.recv-queue

service Task CoreTask:
    cycle: 1 ms
    in queue api-link:
        max-length: 10000

    fn ToMultiQueue:            # points will be produced to the MultiQueue
        point CraneMovement.BoomDown:
            type: 'Int'
            offset: 14
            comment: 'Индикация опускания рукояти'
                const real 0.05

service Task OperatingCycle:
    cycle: 500 ms       # operating cycle time of the task
    in queue api-link:
        max-length: 10000

    fn ToApiQueue:              # Metric 1
        queue: api-queue
        input fn SqlMetric:
            initial: 0.123      # начальное значение
            table: table_name
            sql: "insert into {table} (id, value, timestamp) values ({id}, {input.value}, {input3.value});"
            input let Var3:
                    input fn Add:
                        input1 fn Add:
                            input1: const real 0.2
                            input2: point real '/path/Point.Name'
                            const real 0.05
            input3 fn Add:
                input2: point real '/path/Point.Name'

    fn ToApiQueue:              # Metric 2
        queue: api-queue
        input fn SqlMetric:
            initial: 0.123      # начальное значение
            table: table_name
            sql: "insert into {table} (id, value, timestamp) values ({id}, {input.value}, {input3.value});"
            input: point real '/path/Point.Name'

    fn ToApiQueue:              # Metric 3
        queue: api-queue
        input fn SqlMetric:
            initial: 0.123      # начальное значение
            table: table_name
            sql: "insert into {table} (id, value, timestamp) values ({id}, {input.value}, {input3.value});"
            input fn or:
                input1: point real '/path/Point.Name1'
                input1: point real '/path/Point.Name2'
                input1: point real '/path/Point.Name3'

service Task FaultDetection:
    cycle: 100 ms       # operating cycle time of the module
    outputQueue: operatingCycleQueue
    fn ToApiQueue:              # Metric 1
        input1: ...
        input2: ...

Complit configuration example

name: ApplicationName
description: Short explanation / purpose etc.
    path: assets/retain/
        path: point/id.json
            table: public.tags
            auth_token: 123!@#
            database: crane_data_server

service MultiQueue:
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
        - TaskTestReceiver.queue

service Task Task1:
    cycle: 1 ms
    in queue recv-queue:
        max-length: 10000
    let var0: 
        input: const real 2.224

    fn ToMultiQueue:
        in1 point CraneMovement.BoomUp: 
            type: 'Int'
            comment: 'Some indication'
            input fn Add:
                input1 fn Add:
                    input1: const real 0.2
                    input2: point real '/path/Point.Name'
        in2 point CraneMovement.BoomDown: 
            type: 'real'
            history: r
            comment: 'Some indication'
            input: const real 0.07

        in3 point CraneMovement.WinchUp: 
            type: 'real'
            history: r
            comment: 'Some indication'
            input: var0

service ApiClient:
    cycle: 1 ms
    reconnect: 1 s  # default 3 s
    database: test_api_query
    in queue api-link:
        max-length: 10000
    auth_token: 123!@#
    # debug: true

service TcpServer:
    cycle: 1 ms
    reconnect: 1 s  # default 3 s
    address: {}
    auth: none      # auth: none / auth-secret: pass: ... / auth-ssh: path: ...
    in queue link:
        max-length: 10000

service TcpClient:
    cycle: 1 ms
    reconnect: 1 s  # default 3 s
    in queue link:
        max-length: 10000
    send-to: MultiQueue.queue

service ProfinetClient Ied01:
    cycle: 1 ms                         # operating cycle time of the module, if 0 or ommited, module read cycle will be disable
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
    protocol: 'profinet'
    description: 'S7-IED-01'
    ip: ''
    rack: 0
    slot: 1
    diagnosis:                          # internal diagnosis, delete/comment to disable
        point Status:                   # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
        point Connection:               # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r    
    db db899:                       # multiple DB blocks are allowed, must have unique namewithing parent device
        # description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point Drive.Speed: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 0
        point Drive.OutputVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 4
        point Drive.DCVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 8
        point Drive.Current: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 12
            history: r
        point Drive.Torque: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 16
    db db999:                       # multiple DB blocks are allowed, must have unique namewithing parent device
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point Drive.positionFromMru: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 20
        point Drive.positionFromHoist: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 24
        point Capacitor.Capacity: 
            type: 'Int'
            offset: 28
        point ChargeIn.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 30
            bit: 0
        point ChargeOut.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 32
            bit: 0

service ProfinetClient Ied02:
    cycle: 1 ms                         # operating cycle time of the module, if 0 or ommited, module read cycle will be disable
    in queue in-queue:
        max-length: 10000
    protocol: 'profinet'
    description: 'S7-IED-02'
    ip: ''
    rack: 0
    slot: 1
    diagnosis:                          # internal diagnosis, delete/comment to disable
        point Status:                   # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
        point Connection:               # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
    db db899:                       # multiple DB blocks are allowed, must have unique namewithing parent device
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point Drive.Speed: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 0
        point Drive.OutputVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 4
        point Drive.DCVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 8
        point Drive.Current: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 12
        point Drive.Torque: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 16
        point Drive.positionFromMru: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 20
        point Drive.positionFromHoist: 
            type: 'Real'
            offset: 24
        point Capacitor.Capacity: 
            type: 'Int'
            offset: 28
        point ChargeIn.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 30
            bit: 0
        point ChargeOut.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
            offset: 32
            bit: 0


The Entity of the information. Contains fallowing:

  • name
  • type
  • value
  • status
  • cot
  • timestamp

Unique within all the system (similar to the linux system full file path).

  • Begins with "/",
  • consists of the path divided by the "/",
  • Ends with the name (name can be divided by the dot / multiple dots)



The type of the containing information stored in the Point.value field. Fallowing types are supported:

  • Bool - true / false
  • Int - i64 - The 64-bit signed integer type.
  • Real - f32 - A 32-bit floating point type (specifically, the "binary32" type defined in IEEE 754-2008).
  • Double - f64 - A 64-bit floating point type (specifically, the "binary64" type defined in IEEE 754-2008).
  • String - string of the variable length

Contains the information of the type corresponding with the Point.type field


The status of the containing information:

  • Ok = 0 - Information was successfully updated from the source device;
  • Obsolete = 2 - For example system was jast started and information stored from the prevouse session;
  • TimeInvalid = 3 - The time of the server / Device is not synchronized with precision time source;
  • Invalid = 10 - Information was read from the device but currently connection with that device is lost;

Cause and direction of the transmission:

  • Inf - Information - common information basically comming from the Device / Server to the Client
  • Act - Activation - the command comming from the Client to the Device / Server
  • ActCon - Activation | Confirmation - the confirmation of the successfully executed command
  • ActErr - Activation | Error - the information about falied command
  • Req - Request - the request to the server, besicaly contains some specific json
  • ReqCon - Request | Confirmation reply - the confirmation of the successfully performed request
  • ReqErr - Request | Error reply - the information about falied request

Contains a timestamp in the format corresponding with RFC 3339 and ISO 8601 date and time string:

  • Includes milliseconds and microseconds,
  • Local time zone offset can be included

Such as: 2024-02-19T12:16:57.648504907Z


        type: Bool                  # Bool / Int / Real / Double / String / Json
        alarm: 0                    # 0..15 (Optional)
        history: r                  # ommit - None / r - Read / w - Write / rw - ReadWrite (Optional)
        address:                    # Protocol-specific address in the source device (Optional)
            offset: 0               #   0..65535
            bit: 0                  #   0..255 (Optional)
        filters:                    # Filter conf, using such filter, point can be filtered immediately after input's parser
            threshold: 5.0          #   Absolute threshold delta
            factor: 0.1             #   Multiplier for absolute threshold delta - in this case the delta will be accumulated
        comment: Test Point Bool,   # Description to the point (Optional)

The type of the containing information stored in the Point.value field. Corresponding with Point.Value. Fallowing types are supported:

  • Bool - true / false
  • Int - i64 - The 64-bit signed integer type.
  • Real - f32 - A 32-bit floating point type (specifically, the "binary32" type defined in IEEE 754-2008).
  • Double - f64 - A 64-bit floating point type (specifically, the "binary64" type defined in IEEE 754-2008).
  • String - string of the variable length
  • Json - coming soon

The alarm class of the point, determains how it will be shown in the Alarm List of the Client application:

  • 0 - alarm disabled (can be omitted)
  • 1 - Emergency Alarm (State when equipment can't work anymore)
  • 2 - Not in use (Sub class of Emergency Alarm)
  • 3 - Not in use (Sub class of Emergency Alarm)
  • 4 - Warning (Important events to pay attention)
  • 5 - Not in use
  • 6 - Not in use
  • 7 - Not in use
  • 8 - Not in use
  • 9 - Not in use
  • 10 - Not in use
  • 11 - Not in use
  • 12 - Not in use
  • 13 - Not in use
  • 14 - Not in use
  • 15 - Not in use

Point config history option, determines for which direction will be enabled history option:

  • None - history parameter was omitted / deactivated
  • r / read / Read - history parameter active for points coming from devicec to the clients
  • w / write / Write - history parameter active for points (commands) coming from clients to the devices
  • rw / readwrite / ReadWrite - history parameter active for points & points (commands) both directions

General implementation of the PointConfig.address For specific protocols can have custom implementations

    address:                    # Protocol-specific address in the source device (Optional)
        offset: 0               # 0..65535 - Some address / ofset withing the device
        bit: 0                  # 0..255 (Optional) - can be used for boolean bits stored in some address / offset

Sequence of the prefilters - executed during parsing data points from the protocol line Allows to avoid unnecessary transmissions of the same value

  • threshold - float insensitivity parameter to the absolute changes of the value,
    1). $$delta = \mid value_i - value_{i-1}\mid;$$ 2). $$delta &gt; threshold :\quad value updated$$ $$delta \leq threshold :\quad value ignored$$

  • factor - integral factor, if present:
    1). $$delta = delta_{i-1} + \mid (value_i - value_{i-1})\mid factor;$$ 2). $$delta &gt; threshold :\quad value updated$$ $$delta \leq threshold :\quad value ignored$$

JDS Protocol

Request "Points"
  • Req
    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real/ Double / String
    "cot":"Req",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr
  • ReqCon
    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real / Double / String
        "Point.Name.0":{"address":{"bit":0,"offset":0},"alarm":0,"comment":"Test Point Bool","filters":{"threshold":5.0},"type":"Bool"},
        "Point.Name.1":{"address":{"bit":0,"offset":0},"alarm":0,"comment":"Test Point Bool","filters":{"factor":0.1,"threshold":5.0},"type":"Bool"},
        "PointName1":{"address":{"offset":0},"comment":"Test Point","history":"r","type":"Int"},
        "PointName2":{"address":{"offset":0},"alarm":4,"comment":"Test Point","type":"Int"},
        "PointName3":{"address":{"offset":12},"comment":"Test Point","history":"w","type":"Int"},
        "PointName4":{"address":{"offset":12},"comment":"Test Point","history":"rw","type":"Int"}
    "cot":"RecCon",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr
  • ReqErr
    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real / Double / String
    "cot":"ReqErr",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr
Request "Subscribe"
  • Req
    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real / Double / String
    "cot":"Req",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr
  • ReqCon
    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real / Double / String
    "cot":"RecCon",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr


    "type":"String",    Bool / Int / Real / Double / String
    "cot":"ReqErr",    Inf / Act / ActCon / ActErr / Req / ReqCon / ReqErr


Service provides connectivity with S7 Siemens deviceы via Profinet protocol over ethernet

  • Read from Profinet - only periodic read of data blocks

  • Write to Profinet - implemented in the separate thread with independent tcp connection, wich is allow to send commands immediatelly, no need to wait complition read cycle

  • Configuration

    • cycle - read cycle, readind disabled if zero or ommited
    • subscribe - Enables the subscription where from commands will be received, for subscribe configuration refer to doc for details
    • in queue - Enables direct input queue, define the name of the input queue and queue length limitation
    • send-to - (old: out queue) The name of the input queue of the service, where all points will be sent such as ''
    • protocol - 'profinet' - always, reserved for protocol options
    • description - Free text description
    • ip - The IPV4 address
    • rack - rack address configured in the S7 device
    • clot - slot address configured in the S7 device
    • diagnosis - Specific diagnosis points can be enabled by definition of it configurations
      • General status
        • Ok(0) - service in normal operation
        • Invalid(10) - service has some Error-level events
      • Connection status
        • Ok(0) - subordinated Profinet device connected
        • Invalid(10) - subordinated Profinet device is disconnected
    • db db_name - The definition of the S7 DB block configuration
      • number - The address number of the DB block
      • offset - initial address offset
      • size of the entair block (last address + it length)
      • point Point.Name - The point configuration
        • type: data type of it address
        • address
          • offset - point value will be read from address: db block offset + point offset
          • bit - applicable for bool type only, defines number of the bit in the current offset
          • history - refer to the doc
          • alarm - refer to the doc
          • filters - refer to the doc
          • comment - refer to the doc
Config example
service ProfinetClient Ied01:
    cycle: 500 ms                         # operating cycle time of the module
    # in queue in-queue:
        # max-length: 10000
    subscribe: MultiQueue
    protocol: 'profinet'
    description: 'S7-IED-01'
    ip: ''
    rack: 0
    slot: 1
    diagnosis:                          # internal diagnosis
        point Status:                   # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
        point Connection:               # Ok(0) / Invalid(10)
            type: 'Int'
            # history: r
    db db_name:                         # multiple DB blocks are allowed, must have unique namewithing parent device
        # description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point Drive.Speed: 
            type: 'Real'
                offset: 0
        point Drive.OutputVoltage: 
            type: 'Real'
                offset: 4
    db db_name_:                        # multiple DB blocks are allowed, must have unique namewithing parent device
        description: 'db899 | Exhibit - drive data'
        number: 899
        offset: 0
        size: 34
        point Capacitor.Capacity: 
            type: 'Int'
                offset: 28
        point Capacitor.ChargeIn.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
                offset: 30
                bit: 0
        point Capacitor.ChargeOut.On: 
            type: 'Bool'
                offset: 32
                bit: 0