Classify text using Stanford's Open NLP with Sista NLP Scala wrappers
This basic system takes in a text file with each line in tab-delimited format {class document_text}: training.txt
Cooking How do I make a good tomato sauce for pizza?
Gardening Why are my cherry tomatoes dying?
Instantiate via
val textClassifier = new TextClassifier("training.txt")
Unknown text can be classified using:
val (classification, score) = textClassifer.classify("I wonder what class these tomatoes will fall into...")
That's it. Be careful. There is zero input checking and no exception handling.
To run:
sbt "run training100.txt"
sbt "run training1000.txt"
Be sure to use quotes so SBT recognizes the second word as part of the command (in this case, the file with training data).