Terminal frontend for the GBEmu Gameboy Emulator, built with TermOx.
Relies on cmake to generate build files for the gb-term
target. git submodules
are used; run git submodule update --init --recursive
after cloning.
The emulator can run a game by specifying the ROM file as the first argument when launching from the terminal.
Root privileges are required for proper keyboard input in the terminal, key release events cannot be accessed without opening the console as a file, which requires root.
From the build directory:
sudo ./src/gb-term ~/location/of/ROM/file
The release build should run fine at 60fps; debug will be slightly slower 🐌
The Gameboy has a resolution of 160x144, if your terminal is not expanded to at least this size, the display will be scaled to a lower resolution. It is recommended to make the font size much smaller in order to get the full resolution(ctrl + (plus/minus) changes font size on most terminals).
Sound is not implemented.
- D-Pad: Arrows keys
- A Button: z
- B Button: x
- Start: Enter
- Select: Backspace
- comma: Slows emulator speed, bottoms out at normal speed
- period: Speed up emulator, bottoms out at 3x normal speed
- s-key: Save the game cartridge state(must save with game mechanics first)