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-Built app out fully before going through useContext training, so refactored to useContext so I didn't need to pass everything through as props. Also had to do alot of clean up to remove pointless functionality - ex: no need to have showMenu functionality outside of the navbar. No need to set showMenu to false in the brewery search submit handler because if a user is able to click the submit button, showMenu must already be false.
Built app out fully before going through Router training. I knew this was coming but wanted the practice building componenents and using states to display "page components". But ultimately knew I would have to refactor everything here.
-take form input and split at space and join with underscore to fetch api data for multiple word cities.
-make state input field because there are multiple states with the same city name.
-find array of state names online and use it to map the options for the state select in the form.
-mapbox is a bit different with react, had to spend a few hours combing through docs to use it. Also learned that environmental varibles are handled differently in react.
-getting error in console from not including a key in the option tags in the find component. Added index for the mapping. This was because of iterating over an array.
-api returns 20 breweries at a time, so needed to dynamically fetch additional data if it exists.
-console.log not working in any of the components.
-drop down menu doesn't work with map feature, had to make map z-index -1.
struggled with the map positioning on mobile browsers.