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conquers (CONfigure and QUERy network Switches) is a python program to do what its name implies.

It makes use of the python netmiko library to do its work.

The full documentation with video example can be found here

conquers teaser



Clone the repository like so:

$ git clone

To use conquers, first install its requirements using pip:

$ cd conquers
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--add-credentials] [--credentials CREDENTIALS] [--config CONFIG] [-m MASTERKEY] [-d DEVICE_TYPE] [-p PUBLIC_KEY]

conquers v0.1

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --add-credentials     Add entry to credentials. Specify credentials file with --credentials, the default is ~/.conquers/credentials
  --credentials CREDENTIALS
                        Path to credentials file. Default is ~/.conquers/credentials
  --config CONFIG       Path to configuration file. Default is ~/.conquers/config.yaml
  -m MASTERKEY, --masterkey MASTERKEY
                        Path to file containing the master key
  -d DEVICE_TYPE, --device-type DEVICE_TYPE
                        Like cisco_ios or huawei.
  -p PUBLIC_KEY, --public-key PUBLIC_KEY
                        Converts public key to format specified with -d.


conquers uses a configuration file to make use of its features. It must be in .yaml format. Here is config.yaml.example from the repository:

# vim: se ft=yaml:
# filename: config.yaml.example
###########    COMMANDS    #####################################################
# There are three types of commands:
#     - commands before configuration (cmds_before -> list)
#     - configuration commands (conf_cmds -> list)
#     - commands after configuration (cmds_after -> list)
# cmds_before and cmds_after are usually show commands.
# One exception would be a command to make the configuration persistent like
#     - write memory
# Commands like that belong in cmds_after at the end.
# All configuration commands belong in **conf_cmds** and do not work in the
# other sections.
# For large command sets you can specify a path to a file containing
# commands, one per line:
#     - cmds_before_file -> string
#     - conf_cmds_file -> string
#     - cmds_after_file -> string
# Find some EXAMPLES below.
# ----------
# Commands from e.g. cmds_before and cmds_after will be
# combined where commands cmds_before_file will be added after cmds_before.
# --------
# With a special syntax you can react to interactions.
# The string after # is a string that you expect to be contained in the
# question. The string after the colon will be sent as an answer.
# Multiple expects are possible, each one is terminated with a semicolon.
# Example:
# cmds_after:
#   - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"

#############    DEFAULTS    ###################################################
defaults:                                     # Is not a group name
  # Forks per group
  forks: 5
  device_type: "huawei"
  connection_timeout: 5                       # Default is 10
  read_timeout: 5                             # Default is 10
  # List of report types. CAN ONLY BE SET HERE.
  # Possible types are json, yaml and html
  # and can only be set in defaults.
  # report.<type> will be created in ~/.conquers.
    - html                                    # (fancy, recommended for humans)
    - yaml
    # For type json you can specify the indentation with
    #     :<number> (default:4)
    - json:2
  # If set to false, a yaml report is shown in the console per host.
  silent: false

#############    GROUPS    #####################################################
# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP cisco ----------------------------------------------
# Demostrates overriding settings and the defining of hosts.
cisco:                                        # Group name
  silent: true                                # Overrides default
  device_type: "cisco_ios"                    # Overrides default
  forks: 10                                   # Overrides default
  #   config_mode
  # and
  #   exit_config_mode
  # are optional and not needed for device_type "cisco_ios" and are shown here
  # merely for demonstration.
  # Sould you encounter problems with configuration commands where it's not
  # possible to enter the configuration mode, try these settings with the
  # corresponding commands for your device to enter and exit configuration mode.
  config_mode: "conf t"                       # Enter conf (cisco_ios)
  exit_config_mode: "end"                     # Exit conf mode (cisco_ios)
    - "show run | include username"
  ###########    HOSTS    ######################################################
    - cs-access1:
        silent: false                         # Overrides group setting
    - cs-access2:                             # A colon is mandatory after host

# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP firmware_upgrade -----------------------------------
# Example for a group where the hosts get a new firmware.
# Demonstrates special syntax for interactions.
firmware_upgrade:                             # Group name
  device_type: "cisco_ios"
  silent: true
    # The string after # is what you expect, the string after the colon will
    # be sent as an answer. A semicolon terminates the expression, multiple
    # expects are possible.
    - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"
    - cisco-core-1:
    - cisco-core-2:
      # different file only for cisco-core-2
      cmds_after:                             # Overrides group setting
        - "copy scp:// flash:#username:yes;#filename:yes;"
    - cisco-core-3:
    - cisco-core-4:

# ----------- EXAMPLE GROUP logging --------------------------------------------
# In this example, the complete configuration will be logged to
# the specified log file.
# With **log_file** the OUTPUT of every command will be logged.
  device_type: "cisco_ios"
  silent: true
    - "show run"
    - cisco-core-1:
        log_file: "~/path/file.log"
    - cisco-core-2:
        log_file: "/path/to/file.log"