TOPS (Traverser of Planar Surfaces) or SPOT backward is a 12DOF quadrupedal robot. I have attempted robot dogs in the past, but nothing has come close to having the natural gait of an actual dog. In this project, the goal is to make a more dynamic quadrupedal robot.
YouTube Video:
Inspired By James Bruton's openDogV3:
-4 Month Build
-Total Cost: $3,300
-Total Weight: 29.6lbs (13.43kg)
-Weight of 3D Printed Parts: 9.98lbs (4.53kg)
-12x Custom QDD actuators
----3D printed 9: 1 planetary gearbox
----90KV brushless motor
----ODrive S1 FOC Controller
-Carbon Fiber Frame
-30A Silicone Feet
-6S 5200mah Lipo Battery
-Teensy 4.1 Microcontroller