Requires jQuery for AJAX (to update page without redirect/refresh). This site is also fully functional with JS disabled.
How to INSTALL: Put jquery-3.7.0.min.js in /js folder. Open /php/_create_tables.php in your browser (on localhost).
[ PHP(PDO) & SQL(mysql): ]
--signup/login to create a thread or post in thread.
--guest, member, moderator, admin priviledges.
--control panel for mods to ban, and rank up users.
--block another user to stop seeing their threads, posts, and pms.
--edit username, pwd, profile msg, delete profile.
--have a conversations/pm (private message) another user.
--like a post in a thread
--create a poll, vote on a poll
[ HTML & CSS: ]
--saved variable css template, click the logo in the upper left corner to swap between dark and light themes.
--Mobile phone layout is set with is_mobile() function (lib.php) in layouts and form elements.
[ JavaScript/AJAX: ]
--for swapping between light and dark theme
--for clicking on button to put input tags (a,b,i,s,...) in submit forms
--for AJAX: edit a thread/post without a page redirect. Submit a post without a page redirect. Send a pm in a private conversation without a page redirect. Login/signout without a page redirect. On signup page, notifies user a username is already in use, and passwords don't match. Like a post.
--synesthesia font, scroll line color change as user scrolls down page, mouse pointer color change as user moves mouse.
(06/05/2023) [0.4] [Stable Release]
renamed and moved .php files around for a more intuitive design: layout elements, & different pages are in the root folder, and actions are in the php folder(with the exception of a few files), delay added before refreshing page after posting to a thread, to help alleviate a possible race-condition, long threads on home page are shortened with a [continued], polished code, & many bug fixes. ( more fixes.
(04/19/2023) []
clicking outside/exit the login screen should drop the login screen, fixed threads page titles index.php?page=# showing up as 'Untitled', moved ' |' in title to end, fixed page=0 showing previous button, added arrows to all prev and next buttons, swaped hide and show pictures, on defaults,
(04/17/22) [0.3.7]
polished code, etc. I'll be working on other projects to add to my portfolio now, and occasionally add more features. And i'll publish this site on a domain.
(04/14/22) [0.3.6]
Added polls, create a poll with max 15 choices min 2. Vote on a poll to see results. A bar graph will appear and show percentages. Ajax scripts to polls have not been added yet.
Additional bug fixes.
(04/13/22) [0.3.5]
Added likes to posts, now you can like a post by clicking the thumbs up button, and mouse hover over the number to see who upvoted a post.
Added replies to posts, reply to a post by clicking the reply button and the post will be 'linked' by table data to the post. The title will automatically include "Reply to #n". Added quote element
to posts.
Added order posts by newest / oldest in thread.php.
Serveral fixes to thread.php, thread_ajax.js, and fixes to query string array in PHP and JS, a more polished solution is now used.
Additional bug fixes.
(11/01/21) [3nd RELEASE]
Updates with JavaScript, and AJAX: Now you can post/edit/delete a reply or thread, without redirecting you to another page. Conversations or PM's also don't require a page redirect, making it feel like a modern message app. The login button now is a pop out without redirecting you to the login page. This all makes the site feel like a modern Single Page Application. See TODO.txt for other changes/fixes (are indented and prefixed with a *). Changes/fixes to come are not indented.
(10/14/21) [2nd RELEASE]
This site has been updated using JavaScript for various transitions and animations that I've also posted on my GitHub. It includes synesthesia-font, a scroll line effect that changes colors, a cube that rotates and the mouse pointer that changes color as the users moves the mouse. The signup page has been updated using AJAX (uses jQuery for web compatibility) to notify the user that a username has been taken (without refreshing the page), and passwords don't match, etc. There have been various other changes and improvements to the site. Mostly changes on the front-end of the site. More updates to come.
[MOBILE Phone layout]