easylogger is the most simple way to write your logs . just make a logs object , we can handle session counting and count logs and 6 level of importance for logs (0,5). pip install easylogger, import easylogger
the main method just write easylogger.easylogger.logs("your file dest (default is ./log.txt)","your log name","your log details") for example a=easylogger.easylogger.logs("./click.log","clicks log","here we have log of clicks from 2012") or from easylogger.easylogger import logs for simplicity
easylogger.easylogger.logs.logwrite is the only function have three parameters title ,message and degree (0,5) for example a.logwrite("file IO","all of sdcard files are corrupted")
import easylogger
a=easylogger.easylogger.logs("./xapp.log","X app log","all of things happening in X app is written here")
a.logwrite("mouse move","127*148 RU",0)
a.logwrite("hello","127*148 RU",0)
a=None # simulating when app is closed
a=easylogger.easylogger.logs("./xapp.log","X app log","all of things happening in X app is written here")
a.logwrite("mouse move","127*148 RU",0)
a.logwrite("hello","127*148 RU",0)
**************** X app log ****************
all of things happening in X app is written here
================ Session:0[2018-06-15 04:00:05.612757] ================
[(0,{2018-06-15 04:00:05.612954}) trace >>> mouse move : "127*148 RU"]
[(1,{2018-06-15 04:00:05.613090}) trace >>> hello : "127*148 RU"]
================ Session:1[2018-06-15 04:00:05.613332] ================
[(0,{2018-06-15 04:00:05.613445}) trace >>> mouse move : "127*148 RU"]
[(1,{2018-06-15 04:00:05.613564}) trace >>> hello : "127*148 RU"]