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A way to compare files and directories

When working with neovim, you may find yourself wanting to compare the current file or directory to another location that has the same file structure, whether it be on the same computer or on a different server.

For instance, you might want to compare files in your Laravel project to the project skeleton that you've cloned locally from the Laravel GitHub repository.

This plugin makes it easy to do this by opening the current file in a new tab and displaying a side-by-side comparison of the remote file.


neovim >=0.7.0


use 'aaron-p1/compare-remotes.nvim'


Minimal setup could look like this:

    remotes = {
        -- ['Name shown in selection'] = 'remote absolute path',
        ['My local directory'] = '/path/to/directory/',
        ['My remote directory'] = 'scp://user@server//path/to/directory'

If you want to change the remotes after setup, you should use the following functions:

local cr = require('compare-remotes')

local remotes = cr.get_remotes()


Default setup:

    -- List of remotes available remotes for comparison
    remotes = {},
    -- Mapping for comparing the current file
    -- accepts: {key = "<Leader>cr", opts = { "vim.keymap.set()" opts }}
    mapping = nil,
    -- Schemes of buffers that are treated as project files if the path exists
    -- Example: set to {"oil"} if you want to be able to compare directories that are opened
    --          using oil.nvim (
    project_file_schemes = {},
    -- Replace the scheme of the remote path depending on whether it is a file or dir
    -- Example: set dir = {scp = "oil-ssh"} when using oil to be able to compare directories
    --          over ssh
    scheme_replacements = {file = {}, dir = {}}


Commands only get created if the setup function is run.

:CompareRemotes - Compares the current file or directory after selecting a remote.

:CompareRemotes [remote-prefix] - Compares the current file or directory with remote-prefix.


:CompareRemotes scp://user@myserver//var/www/html - Compares current file with directory /var/www/html on server myserver

Note: You could also call the compare_remotes function of the lua module.


If you're interested in contributing to this plugin, it's important to note that it's written in fennel. The lua code is generated using the fennel transpiler, so all contributions must also be written in fennel. You can use the command $ make to transpile the code, and before committing any changes, it's mandatory that you use the fnlfmt tool by running $ make format or using the null-ls neovim plugin to format the code.

If you're using nix, a package manager for Linux and other Unix systems, you can easily install the necessary programs for development by running $ nix develop, or by using direnv with nix-direnv.