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Option 1:

The script below will backup your existing Vim configuration files and plop my Vim files down in your home directory. This is by far the easiest way for installation, but you'll have to trust that this script won't do anything nasty (it doesn't).

Step 1:

$ curl -Lo- | bash

Step 2:

Launch vim and type :NeoBundleInstall.

Option 2:

If you'd like a little more customization to the install follow these steps below:

  • Backup your existing Vim configuration files
    • mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.old
    • mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.old
    • mv ~/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc.old
  • Clone this repo git clone $HOME/.vim
  • Create links to the my vimrc files.
    • ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
    • ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
  • Create Vim cache directories
    • mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/vim/backup $HOME/.cache/vim/cache $HOME/.cache/vim/undo
  • Launch vim and type :NeoBundleInstall.

Plugin Installation & Mangement

My .vimrc configuration uses Shougo's excellent NeoBundle plugin manager. I have a large number of plugins added by default, with some useful (but not to me) ones commented out. I'd recommend going through the list of plugins below and verifying that the plugins I've added are useful or otherwise.

  • Comment out/uncomment useful plugins
  • Run :NeoBundleInstall to install the plugins you selected
  • Update plugins using :NeoBundleUpdate to update all plugins to the latest version from Github or
  • Remove any plugins you find not useful or intrusive by deleting or commenting them out in your .vimrc file and run :NeoBundleClean.

Settings and Keymaps

I've documented the setting/setting.vim and setting/keymap.vim files fairly well though I'd recommend looking through both files to get a better idea how I have this vimrc configured. The plugins, listed below, add quite a bit of functionality and I'd highly recommend reading the documentation on each of them.


VIM centric

Asthetic Related

Autocomplete/assistive completion

File Browsing/management

Language: All

Language: Ruby/Rails

Language: JavaScript

Language: PHP

  • Nothing here, have recommendations?

Language: HTML

Other Addons


Thanks to various sources for most of the Vim settings, bootstrap script, and list of plugins. A lot of work has went in to making the best Vim configuration (for me), hopefully someone out there will find this equally useful.


My vimrc files






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