NOTE: This repo is no longer maintained here. Please use inspec_tools.
A small parser to take the JSON full output of an InSpec profile results and update the DISA Checklist file.
#> ./inspec2ckl --help
Usage: inspec2ckl.rb [options]
-j --json : Path to Inspec results json file
-c --cklist : Path to Stig Checklist file
-t --title : Title of Stig Checklist file
-d --date : Date of the Stig Checklist file
-a --attrib : Path to attributes yaml file
-o --output : Path to output checklist file
-V --verbose : verbose run
title: 'NGINX'
date: '3-13-2018'
To run the parser:
./inspec2ckl exec -c checklist.ckl -j results.json -o output.ckl
To run the parser without xccdf:
./inspec2ckl exec -j results.json -o output.ckl
To run the parser with title and date:
./inspec2ckl exec -j results.json -o output.ckl -t nginx -d 03-13-2018
To run the parser with title and date from attrib yaml
./inspec2ckl exec -j results.json -o output.ckl -a attributes.yml
To run the parser verbose:
./inspec2ckl exec -c checklist.ckl -j results.json -o output.ckl -V
./inspec2ckl help
./inspec2ckl -v
- Validation for the Json and XML files not yet implemented
- More Issues welcome - please submit suggestions or issues on the board.
- Error occurred while installing libxml-ruby (2.9.0) on MacOS. Solution:
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