Assuming Page Table state from PT_A.txt
- Running Part A: ptsim
- Inputting one virtual address at a time via CLI.
$ make ptsim
$ sh ptsim tests/PT_A.txt
- Enter (one by one) virtual addresses to translate.
- Crtl+D to terminate.
- Using I/O redirection to translate addresses from input file and diff the expected output.
$ make ptsim
$ sh ptsim tests/PT_A.txt < tests/test_input1.txt > tests/actual_output/ptsim_PT_A_output1.out
$ diff tests/expected_output/ptsim_PT_A_output1.txt tests/actual_output/ptsim_PT_A_output1.out
- No Diff (hopefully)
- Inputting one virtual address at a time via CLI.
- Running Part B: ptsim-clock
- Inputting one virtual address at a time via CLI.
$ make ptsim-clock
$ sh ptsim-clock tests/PT_A.txt
- Enter (one by one) virtual addresses to translate.
- Crtl+D to terminate.
- Using I/O redirection to translate addresses from input file and diff the expected output.
$ make ptsim
$ sh ptsim-clock tests/PT_A.txt < tests/test_input1.txt > tests/actual_output/ptsim_clock_PT_A_output1.out
$ diff tests/expected_output/ptsim_clock_PT_A_output1.txt tests/actual_output/ptsim_clock_PT_A_output1.out
- No Diff (hopefully)
- Inputting one virtual address at a time via CLI.
- Quick Testing of Differences (Hard Coded for specific I/O).
$ make check
- No Diff (hopefully)
- Have the page table as a dictionary {key:"101", value:[V, P, F, U]}.
The files
are wrapper files you should modify to call your executables.
You should add Makefile logic so that your program can be run with commands like:
$ make ptsim
$ make ptsim-clock
$ sh ptsim test/aPageTableFile < test/anInputFile
$ sh ptsim-clock test/aPageTableFile < test/anInputFile