#WiFi Based Indoor Positioning System
A MVP android application which is able to estimate the position of a user within a building using WiFi technology. For better understanding this project, we recommend you to go through the docs folder of this repository.
##Setting up
- Install Android Studio
- Checkout project from version control. Give repository url as http://github.com/ajnas/wifips.git
##Testing the App
Run the app to your android phone.
Turn on WiFi
Go to some building were at least 3 wifi access points are available.
Choose the 'Learn' option from the first screen.
Enter a name for the new building and press Add
Select wifi access points that are permanent inside the building using the 'Friendly Wifis' button. Do not forget to save changes after adding all such access points.
Now you need to find different distinguishable positions inside the building. For better results, choose different rooms inside the building as different positions.
Name the position and press calibrate button.
The scanning starts after you press start button. Time for scanning is set as 30 seconds.
Once the scanning of one position is complete, go to another position and repeat the procedure
Swipe left/right on a position name to remove a position from the list.
You can re-calibrate a position by clicking on a position again.
Once you have added enough positions inside the building, press the update button to sync this readings to server, so that this data can be used from other devices as well.
Choose the 'Locate' option from the first screen.
Choose the building where you want to locate your position.
Press start button and complete the scanning process.
Your position obtained from the calculations are displayed in the screen.
Use the 'Sync' button in the first screen to load the buildings from the server. The readings taken from other devices are also displayed.
Submit a building's calibrated readings to server
- Method : POST - Url : http://ajnas.in/wifips/api/submit - Params : mac - Device's mac address data - Json object containing building's calibrated readings - Response: {result:"success"} or {result:"failure"}
Fetch Entire buildings data
- Method : GET - Url : http://ajnas.in/wifips/api/ - Response: JSON-Array of all building's data
##How to Contribute
- Fork the repo
- Commit changes to a branch in your fork
- Pull request with your changes
Ajnas and Jazeem. Feel free to contact us in case of any issue while setting up/testing.