I'm a senior software developer with a particular interest in full-stack web development, distributed systems, creative coding, and teaching. I like building real-time messaging systems and tweaking user interfaces.
You can reach me online at adam.bachman@gmail.com or https://hachyderm.io/@abachman.
This account is a scratchpad for personal work and learning. The majority of what you'll find here aren't finished projects, it's more of a rough digital analog of the scratch paper piled around my physical workspace. When I'm working on an idea in my head, I use paper. When I'm working on an idea in software, I use code.
Professionally, I am a full-stack generalist. Right this second I'm building custom, human-scale software for the enterprise integrating AI because it seems like a pretty good idea to me.
Previously, I've worked with:
- Recurly mentoring engineers, building stronger teams, and leading technical projects for subscription management and payment processing
- Stitch Fix on their GraphQL platform team
- USCIS on custom tools the US humanitarian immigration program
- Adafruit Industries on the IoT platform Adafruit IO
- MICA teaching creative coding
- Figure 53 building a theater ticketing platform
- SmartLogic on various contract projects for startups and enterprises
- and an advantage blackjack team you haven't heard of
Here's a few things you'll find in my repositories:
- A Ruby source-to-source translator to convert Rails MySQL
statements to Google Cloud Spannercreate_table
statements. - Chrome Extensions: Timer, My New Tab
- A Ruby library for generating ULIDs
- A small small coding meetup in Baltimore (pre-COVID 😢)
- An anagram generator
- A pile of teaching materials: Intermedia Studio - Fall 2018, Interactive Spaces - Spring 2019 (and the big project we did), Creative Coding - Fall 2019, and Creative Coding - Spring 2020
- A multi-installation sensor network and data-driven generative bookcover design engine: MICAVIBE. Full story at karlssonwilker.com.
- 1-dimensional cellular automata
- A websocket library for p5.js and corresponding reference server
- A screen recording tool for p5.js sketches so I could turn all my Genuary sketches into tiny videos.
- Some operational transform exploration in Ruby on Rails
- a CRDT based in-browser almost-completely-serverless chat app
If there's something else I should list or something you'd like to build with me, send me an email at adam.bachman@gmail.com.