between sequential indices and structured values.
I developed this package when I became in need for a way to represent tables of values associated with arbitrary and semantically rich objects. I needed a way to quickly determine which entry of the table was associated with a specific object instance, without the hassle of having to implement ad-hoc indexing on a case-by-case fashion.
Space : Class which represents a set of values and implements value-to-index and index-to-value mapping.
Elem : Wrapper over an index-value pair associated with a specific Space; Changing the index automatically updates the corresponding value, and viceversa.
This package contains various types of Spaces:
Represents the space of elements from a given set.
Represents cartesian products of values from other sets.
In JointSpace, the subspaces are referenced via indices; In JointNamedSpace, the subspaces are referenced via associated names.
Represents a subset of the values from another space.
Represents the power-set of the values from another space.
Represents the union of values from other spaces.