JavaFX video chat application with minimal material design. Application uses OpenCV for image processing, face detection, recognition and accessing media devices. Video transmission and communication was implemented using TCP sockets.
- Application start
- Runs face detection service
- Establishes connection to server
- Face detected in front of the web camera
- Images of the face are communicated to the server
- If multiple face detected closest one will be selected
- Information about the user retrieved in case face was recognized by the server
- New user registration if user is not found
- User selects and calls a contact
- Contact on the other side will immediately see the video stream from callers webcam
- If contact accpets the call, video chat will begin
Right now application uses P2P so, server is not requrired. Just a detected face will log you in with default properties
- Create a proper build for the client
- Fix the server OpenCV issue
- Port the server to Windows
- Add ability to add new contacts
- Create pure JavaFX animation rather than CSS or GIF
- Complete unit testing