The goal was to make a basic Spotify App using the Spotify API. The app should display featured playlists, view that playlist, search for a track then add searched tracks into your own playlist. Each track can be viewed and played (previews only). Viewing from your own playlist will autoplay into the next track until you reach the end of your playlist.
- Uses React Navigation throughout
- Uses Redux to manage the states
- Uses dependencies react-native-spotify-auth (android), react-native-audio-streamer, react-native-vector-icons and react-native-popup-dialog
- Respects platform designs, iOS tabs placed at the bottom, Android swipeable tabs placed at the top
- Color theme is customisable in theme/theme.js
- Re-useable components created such as AudioPlayer, Button, SearchBar, ImageRatio etc...
- Some tracks do not have preview urls, so i displayed a play button for those that do have it for simplicity
- Deep linking callback was not working with iOS, so I resorted to using WebView and Popup Dialog for logging in
- Android Back Button listener added because React Navigation documents state you must add your own if using Redux.
App completion time 2 days
React Native 0.46
If you haven't installed react native you can follow this guide: Install React Native
Once you've downloaded or cloned this repository, run npm install
inside the directory.
then install these dependencies
npm install
npm i -s wiyarmir/react-native-spotify-auth
npm i -s react-native-vector-icons
npm i -s react-navigation
npm i -s react-native-popup-dialog
then launch
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios