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laravel zibal

transaction request package for zibal

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  1. You can install the package via composer:
    composer require llabbasmkhll/laravel-zibal 

note that you only need to do following steps if you want to change merchant id . if you only want to test the webservice , no need to do these steps

  1. publish config file to your project
    php artisan vendor:publish
  2. change merchant value to your merchant id in config/zibal.php ( use zibal for testing )
    return [
          'merchant' => 'zibal',


first include package facade into your file by :

use Llabbasmkhll\LaravelZibal\Facades\Zibal;

according to zibals official documentation there is 3 steps to issue a transaction in zibal

1 . Request :

in this step zibal gets basic information about the transaction and returns trackId that is needed for next step

use this to init the transaction request :

    1000000,            //required amount          - in rial
    'redirect',         //required callback        - can be either route name or a valid url starting with http or https
    ['key' => 'value'], //optional callback_params - will be passed to callback as query params , works only when route name passed to callback
    'description',      //optional description     - additional data , good for various reports
    123,                //optional orderId         - id of clients order (eg $invoice->id) , will be passed back to callback
    '09366217515',      //optional mobile          - clients mobile number
    ['000000000000']    //optional allowedCards    - array of allowed card numbers

this will return an array consist of result , message and trackId

result represents the request status as below.

status meaning
100 successful operation
102 merchant not found
103 merchant not active
104 merchant not valid
201 processed before
105 amount must be grater than 1000
106 callbackUrl is not valid
113 amount greater than maximum

you can add validate() function after init like below :

Zibal::init( $amount, 'redirect')->validate(404)->getResponse();

this will redirect the user to 404 page if the result code was anything except 100.

2 . Start :

redirect the user to zibals gateway for payment use :


you may combine first and second step into one line of code like this :

Zibal::init( $amount, 'redirect')->validate()->redirect();

that will init the transaction , then redirect the user zibals payment page if init was successful , otherwise it will redirect the user to 422 page

3 . Verify :

you can use this line of code to verify the transaction status:


this will return an array consist of below parameters

parameter discription
paidAt datetime of the payment
cardNumber masked card number that used to pay
status status of the payment (discribed below)
amount amount of the payment
refNumber payment reference number (in case of successful operation)
description description of the payment
orderId the same id that you passed in init
result result of the request
message short description of the request

result represents the request status as below.

code meaning
100 successful operation
102 merchant not found
103 merchant not active
104 merchant not valid
201 processed before
202 payment failed (reason in status)
203 invalid trackId

status represents the request status as below.

status meaning
-2 internal failure
-1 wating for payment
1 paid - verified
2 paid - unverified
3 canceled by user
4 invalid card number
5 not enough balance
6 invalid code
7 maximum request length reached
8 maximum daily online payment number reached
9 maximum daily online payment amount reached
10 invalid card issuer
11 switch error
12 card unreachable

Example Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Web;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Llabbasmkhll\LaravelZibal\Facades\Zibal;

class GatewayController extends Controller

     * redirect user to zibal.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
    public function show(Request $request)
        $invoice = Invoice::find($request->input('invoice'));
        $user    = $invoice->user()->first();

        return Zibal::init(

     * validate the transaction.
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
    public function index(Request $request)
        abort_unless($request->has('trackId'), 422);

        $response = Zibal::verify($request->input('trackId'))->getResponse();

        if ($response['result'] == 100) {
            $invoice = Invoice::find($response['orderId']);
                    'status'       => 1,
                    'bank_code'    => $response['refNumber'],
                    'finalized_at' => now(),

        return redirect('panel');



Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Abbas mkhzomi - Telegram@llabbasmkhll -

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