A project generated from aunty's basic-story
Hot reload is enabled by default on the development server. Your 'app' should be separated into the src/index.js
and the actual app in src/components/app.js
If you want to see how hot reload is set up, have a look in src/index.js
and you'll see something like this:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && module.hot) {
let renderFunction = render;
render = () => {
try {
} catch (e) {
const { Error } = require('./error');
root = Preact.render(<Error error={e} />, element, root);
module.hot.accept('./components/app', () => {
This just means that when NODE_ENV
is 'development' the app will always be listening for changes and when it detects
a new build (a change to ./components/app
or its dependencies) it will automatically require in the new code.
If there was an error when compiling you will see an error box instead of your app. Once you fix the error it will vanish and your app will be back.
This template comes with preact-compat
so any React components should
Just Work™.
- Nathan Hoad (nathan@nathanhoad.net)